Return of the Jumping Spider

in Fascinating Insects2 years ago (edited)

Last month sometime I had a visit from a daring jumping spider.
Now the little gal is back again.

It has been getting really cold here and I think the spider wanted to escape the winter and come back inside. Here she is on the balcony window again.

It was easy to catch her because she was cold. I put her into one of my extra insect enclosures that I usually use for crickets. I placed a waxworm in the cage she sprang into action and caught it immediately.

Then she dragged it into the cardboard egg carton I have in the cage to finish it off slowly.

These jumping spiders usually only live for a year because the winter ends up killing them. They can live much longer than a year though if kept in captivity. I'll keep her over the winter and hopefully she will survive until spring when I can release her back into the wild. In the meantime she will be well fed and I'll try and get more macro photos.

I'm hoping this year's jumping spider will lay eggs and I'll be able to have some really tiny little spiderlings to take portraits of. I found this little one in spring barely even larger than a pencil lead. If spiderlings do hatch I'll need to setup a fruit fly cage to give them something small enough to eat.

Over the years various different spiders have wandered into my place trying to keep warm from the winter. I usually try and put them in an enclosure to see if they will live long enough until spring. Here is a grass spider that lasted over a winter.

They may look scary but their fangs aren't really strong enough to the pierce the skin and they rarely bite. They mostly try and run away, this one got used to me handling it for photoshoots.

I was able to get some pretty close macros.

In the meantime hopefully my other pet spiders won't get too jealous of the new spider.



The spider love beer thanks :-)

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It's looking amazing.

They have interesting iridescent colored fangs and they also have an interesting personality compared to most spiders.

Very cool! I like spiders and leave them alone when hey get in the house. But I never thought to care for them...

I can't pass up the character of a jumping spider. I'll definitely try the mirror trick on this one to see how it dances.

woooow, the jumping spider you share the fur is very beautiful, the eyes are very shiny, if I find a spider like the one you show this time, I will make the picture perfect, hehehe.

They have metallic green fangs scientists believe this is used to distinguish them from accidentally eating eachother. They also do an interesting dance when they meet each other.

Wooooooow,this is really amazing, I'm getting more and more curious about this spider, if we were neighbors I would visit your house, hahahah.

All the different species of jumping spiders do the dance. If you bring a mirror with you and show them their reflection they will start dancing. Hopefully I can catch this behavior on video.

thanks for the new knowledge, it is very useful for me,

wow, this spider is very cool.
Still I still feel afraid to see the one in hand.
Moreover, it looks very big.

Yeah the big one is a Chilean rose hair tarantula. In theory she can bite really badly with with force because of her large fangs but her toxin is very weak. Also she is very docile and they rarely ever bite things larger than themselves. When handling spiders you just have to know the species and their personality.

Yeah, I'm very careful with them, because I often enter the forest to look for insects.

At least you aren't in Brazil where they have the super deadly wandering spiders that are poisonous enough to kill a horse. But at least they warn you with a scary posture

Cool jumping spider, of course because of the perfect shot :)

Hopefully I can tame it and get more shots before it jumps on the lens.

Cute spiders

Jumping spiders are the cutest and probably the smartest spiders too.

So scary! But the picture quality is very good.
People keep telling me "spiders can't jump", but they lie! Spiders jump! And they might just jump straight at me!
You are very brave.

These little jumpers aren't shy at all they will often jump on you if you put your hand near them. Fortunately they don't really bite unless you are a small insect. Here's one I had that would always jump on the camera lens

Yep, I would stay far away 😅

very nice and unique spider

WoW! You have amazing shots here! This year I was living for 5 months in an old stone house & I had a lot of different spider pets eating lots of mosquitoes, moths & flies!