JustOneThing: I Upgraded My Listnerds Account To "Enterprise" - Here's Why

in Just One Thing2 years ago


Yes, I've finally gone and done it. I've upgraded my Listnerds account from Premium to Enterprise.

Upgrading to Enterprise is the second leg of my two-legged strategy to boost my content creation and Hive earning power going forward. The other leg is my #justonething commitment to pump out blog content on PeakD every day.

Although in one way upgrading to Enterprise on Listnerds may be seen as a "no brainer," it was not so easy for me to commit to making the move.

Tough To Give Up Lifetime Premium

That's because about ten years ago I bought a "Lifetime Premium" upgrade on the old Listnerds, and to his great credit, @jongolson honoured that lifetime commitment by carrying it over to the new blockchain-based Listnerds. That means, in effect, that the 1,000 Listnerd tokens that I've accumulated since the relaunch did not cost me a single penny in out-of-pocket investment into Listnerds.

I was able to float happily within my comfort zone of "no out of pocket investment" into crypto and churn out a fair bunch of Listnerd tokens every day, and even more whenever I had earned enough credits to send a solo ad. You could call it "crypto for old rope" except that I didn't even have to try and flog any frayed hawser to make my moolah.

Putting Some Skin in the Game

However, having followed Listnerd advocates such as @jimmyadames and @bradleysfi and run the numbers through my addled pate, it was obvious that I could make a lot more by investing in the system - and my calculations are based on imagining Listnerds were valued at $1 rather than the $2 mark that the owners seek to maintain it at.

In short, there is a lot of leeway for profit even if there were a big drop in the value of Listnerd tokens. So in my book upgrading to Enterprise is a risk worth taking.

It was time to put some skin in the game.

As soon as my Enterprise upgrade was processed I received my first solo email and used it to promote my Fill Your Funnel email training course. That earned me 97 listnerds, or double my money back if Listnerds are worth $2. Even if the token value drops 50%, every Listnerds token I earn during the rest of May is pure profit.

Cheers for now!

David Hurley



Great point, I to have a lifetime Premium , have been toying with the Idea and have been hesitant in taking up the enterprise. However I may just have to do it , its that next level that needs to be taken. :)

 2 years ago  

Lifetime Premium has delivered immense value over the years, and especially since the relaunch of Listnerds on the blockchain... but I think Enterprise will deliver even more value, but it's been a wrench to trade up my account!



Hey David! Well done and congratulations!

I signed up a while back to Listnerds and then did nada. "No time" arguement.

My friend @therneau drove into it more and I asked him to come show me. We had a braai and took a few minutes so he could show me what's going on.

He has also upgraded to the enterprise package.

Last night I started opening mail for the first time, earning some MAIL... now I need to keep going for a bit and get familiar... there is a good chance that I will also go for enterprise!



 2 years ago  

Thank you @zakludick - you can always test the waters with a Premium account first, and if you like the results upgrade to Enterprise after that. Free members are missing out on the potential of Listnerds to deliver profits, in my opinion...

Good luck!



I am going to try out the free and depending on what funds I have available I might just go all the way up!

Thank you so much for the advice! I believe in you, my buddy and all of the guys i have been watching on Listnerds!


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Well done David. You are blazing a trail for us to follow.

I'm completing the end of my second month of enterprise and have accumulated several thousands of STAKED listnerd tokens. I see the value of listnerds as blog exposure, but the listnerd token as less valuable. Perhaps someday LN stake earning will pay out with defi-style dividends, otherwise it's impractical to unstake and sell them for anything.

Love seeing real-world case studies on stuff like this. Thanks for sharing @hirohurl


Yes, David. It is a little daunting to make the step. I too had a previous lifetime and jumped to Enterprise and I have not regretted it.

Appreciate you sir!

Thanks so much for taking the dive, and let us know how your experience goes with the upgrade!


I did the same . I gave a great premium membership up to be Enterprise. It was worth it in the end. Very nice returns so far.

Of course no doubt you made the right decision. Curious about your experience in the Premium level. I was also thinking of testing the Premium account first before going into Enterprise and I have two reasons for doing this. One, with my current employment, I don't see myself capable of writing two emails per day. Twice a week is fine with me. Two, still waiting for my fund to arrive so I have more freedom in micro-investing activity on Hive.

Congrats on your upgrade!


I didn't even know there was a lifetime premium offer and it looks like you don't regret your choice at all. I have a gut feeling that I would have just taken the lifetime premium but who knows.

Hi there David,

Congratulations on the upgrade 😀

As per the mail sent, I already upgraded a week ago!

Ten years is lots of time, I am not quite sure what and where my mind was on to ten years ago. I sincerely congratulate you for your hard work, and consistent efforts. Also, congratulations on your upgrading! I hope to follow you up anytime soon.


Best regards,

- EvM

wow so listnerd have been in existence for 10 years but not on hive blockchain or did i read it wrong

Thanks for the post, David. If someone would have asked me I would have said you already were at the Enterprise level. I just went to premium and now my emails are sent to more than 100 fewer members. That seems weird to me. I wish you the best in ListNerds.