Huge Congratulations to Jon Rahm Your Masters Champion 2023

in Sports Talk Sociallast year (edited)


It's been a strange Masters this year from a fan's point of view. Every time I sat down to watch the golf, that awful hooter sounded and play was abondoned and my plan to sit and watch the golf was abondoned.

Yes I got a decent run of it on Thursday, but as predicted by me earlier in the week play was suspended numerous time on Thursday and Friday because of the forecast. There was no mistakes there and it absolutely bucketed down.

Every cloud though has a silver lining and the silver lining here was that I got 27+ holes of golf on the telly, I played 18 holes myself this morning, I watched Mayo get beaten by Roscommon in the GAA and watched my beloved Arsenal. What a day of sport oh and I played soccer with my son and his cousins too.

Back to the golf now though. This is how the leaderboard looked after 54 holes. All to play for with Rahm and Koepka in dominant positions, but as Hovland showed on the 3rd round back 9, anything can happem on the back 9 at Augusta. I really hope the weather is favourable, so that 13 and 15 are reachable which could make things very interesting indeed!


Sunday at Augusta

Nothing is ever won on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday at Augusta, but as we saw with Rory McIlroy, Justin Thomas, Zalatorris and Hoge it can certainly be lost, with that quintet of players missing the cut and having to catch an early flight home.

The first task for any player with aspirations of slipping on a green jacket come Sunday evening is keeping yourself in the golf competition and let me tell you now, that is no easy task at Augusta National, where there are traps to catch you everywhere you look.

Two Horse Race?

Before a ball was hit in the last round, many would have said it was a two horse race, with Rahm or Koepka sure to win, but things are rarely that straight forward on the last day of the Masters, and no lead is large enough as McIlroy showed the world in 2011 when he became Bottle McBottler!

But back to 2023 and these two looked like they'd battle it out for top spot and so it proved.


These two battled it out hammer and thongs, but even though Brooks took a handsome lead into the final round, his pars were peppered with bogies for the first 12 holes, while Jon's were peppered with birdies.


They were behind Cantlay who is painfully slow, so they were probably sharing a laugh here as they waited.

I must say I wrote Rahm off a little this week and how wrong I was as he added his second major title and deservedly so, and to think he four putted the first green for double bogey! Some man for one man is Rahm!

How the Irish finished

I always like to see how the Irish fare at sport and I was lucky enough that 4 from the field of 90 were Irishmen. We didn't quite get the Irish 2nd and 3rd like last year when McIlroy came 2nd and Lowry came 3rd, but we did have two making the cut and here is how they all finished in the end.

Andrew McClean +7 missed cut

Rory McIlroy +5 missed cut

Seamus Power +7

Shane Lowry -2

Back to Rahmbo

What a performance tee to green all week by the big man from Spain. He's the type of guy who it's hard not to like, with his big smiley head.

Here he is finishing it off with a short par putt.


Then straight into celebration mode with him and rightly so.



Your Masters Champion for 2023....


Final Round Leaderboard


I'll leave you with this great photo of Jon with his family.


The photos used are not my were photos I took of the telly on Sky Sports, the leaderboards are from

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out



I was glad that Rahm won the tournament, as I have never been a fan of Koepka and his holier-than-thou attitude dating back to when he was a regular on the PGA tour. I was glued to my TV all weekend long, as I am every year, due to the fact I take this week of every year, just so I can watch this tournament. This is my favorite tournament of the year, followed by the Tournament players championship played here in my home state of FL at TPC Sawgrass, followed by the US Open, then the Open Championship. I have come to dislike all of the "LIV" players due to their association with an oppressive regime like Saudi Arabia, and also because they went for the money and not the love of the game. This includes Phil Mickelson, one of my all-time favorite golfers. He has tarnished his legacy by being affiliated with these people and it makes me sad.

Getting back to golf, I used to be a Rahm hater, but over the last couple of years after seeing what kind of person he has become and how he has matured, I have come to like him... It is so poignant that he wins The Masters not only on the 66th birthday of Spanish great Seve Ballesteros but also winning it on the 30th anniversary of Seve's second win in 1993.

I found the entire four days must-see TV, and with the benefit of online access through, I was able to watch a TON of golf this week. Congratulations to Jon... I look forward to the menu for the Champions Dinner next year.

That my friend is a top notch comment. Thanks for taking the time to engage so well with my post. That is what Hive is all about afterall.

I found the entire four days must-see TV, and with the benefit of online access through

Ya same here, it is one of my sporting events of the year and my wife and kids get plenty of prior warning that I will be glued to the TV for long periods over the four days! The little videos are great allowing you to see every single shot if you wish.

Getting back to golf, I used to be a Rahm hater, but over the last couple of years after seeing what kind of person he has become and how he has matured, I have come to like him... It is so poignant that he wins The Masters not only on the 66th birthday of Spanish great Seve Ballesteros but also winning it on the 30th anniversary of Seve's second win in 1993.

Ya you summed it up well, although I have always liked Rahm, I have an affinity for all Spanish people and their golfers, I reckon there must be some Spanish blood in my somewhere, and I holiday in Spain almost every year too and feel right at home there. It's hard to explain but the place just has a draw for me.

Good point about Koepka too, he kind of comes across like a baby stuck in a grown man's body at times, with his sulking and skulking attitude... As for Phil, what a final round, but as you say he has ruined his legacy, even if a tiny part of me feels sorry for him, yes, I'm a sucker :)

I'm glad to see Rahm win it. Seems like a good guy and he deserved it for the golf he played yesterday.

I din't see a whole lot of the golf but it was a good final day.
Roscommon also full value for the win. They played a good game.

Ya definitely man, Rahm and Roscommon were worthy winners, no doubt about it.

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