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RE: The importance of Respect in Sport

in Sports Talk Social2 years ago

Man, that's mad you mention Pierluigi Collina! I just finished typing about him in another comment. Ya, he was not to be messed with and got the respect of the players for sure.

I'd love to see a match where they let a rugby ref take charge, if it was wasn't for the minimum players rule, it would end with a 5 a side! 😁


See it is down to the referee as an individual as it is possible. The problem with football refs is most of them have never played the sport and look like nerds with whistles. The VAR thing is crazy as if you were in charge of a match you would want to check the screen for yourself every time. I wouldn't leave it up to someone else sitting in a studio. For me pop it on the big screen and decide immediately. Include the fans and players in your decision making as it is about making the right calls. Games have to be fair and played to the rules of the game and nothing else.