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RE: SPORTS TODAY 16th June- 1 HIVE + 200 SPORTS givewaway

in Sports Talk Social3 years ago

Thanks for yesterdays participation guys , 200 SPORTS and 0.083 HIVE has been sent to each of you

Those who participated but didn't post 3 comments


Thank you, I missed commenting yesterday as I couldn't find much about Cricket or Tennis and I am not a big fan of Football.
Hopefully, I will show some interest atleast for the sake of commenting :)

Ah I understand because I am an Indian too lol .

It is sad that Nadal lost to Djoker in French Open , I was rooting for Nadal .

Feel free to make a few top level comments. After all, its a general area.

Thanks buddy, off late, I have been actively commenting and enjoying blogging. Its just that I love Cricket more than any other sports 🙂
Good day to you.

Thanks for the hive and sports rewards. Exciting here on sports this past few days. Loving the engagement as more people come on board

True , I am excited too .

I want to be more active here but lack of time unfortunately :(

I understand, but the little time you're sparing to engage here feels great.
We feel your impact sir.

I think i quite understand, a lot of things on your hands. You are however a doing great job ensuring the engagement increase around here

Yea, things are definitely picking up!

Thanks for the rewards. Like I was saying yesterday, the Euro cup brings more participation here, that's great.

I see . That's awesome , love to see all sports fans at one place .

I amn't following the Euro cup though :(

Try and watch one match am sure you'll find it entertaining because the hit is too much as the teams battle to qualify.

Thank you for the cake pie amr008, it feels great to make the tribe lively with you.

Thanks for the rewards.

Great to see participation increasing daily