Bozz Family Fantasy Football Week 13 Recap: Showing Up

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I don't even know where to begin about this past week in my fantasy football league. I was able to come away with a win, so I guess that is good, but I am really not happy about the way it all went down. It would appear my brother in law who has earned the last place spot in our league has given up on his team all together.

I know he is in a few other leagues that actually pay a good deal of money, so perhaps he is just focusing his attention where it makes the most sense. As you will see in a little bit, he clearly isn't focusing it on this team.


This win should have been a big deal for me, but somehow I come away from last week feeling a bit cheated. My team had a killer week and it was all but squandered against a team that didn't even put up fifty points.

You know next week when I need my team to put up close to 140 points again they will instead put up something like 80 and leave me in the lurch. That 80 points would have solidly earned me a win this week. Save the big guns for when I need it.

Alas, it's not meant to be.

Don't get me wrong, I love a win, but I just wish those points could be kicked down the road a bit. I know I am going to need them sometime soon!


I had a fair number of players on bye this week so I needed to do some juggling to get my roster full. On the other hand, my brother in law had a lot of players on bye as well and he did absolutely nothing with his team.

You can see in the breakdown that he had five players on bye that did absolutely nothing for him. I didn't want to reach out to him, but as I said, I am guessing he figures by week 13 if he isn't at least in the running, then there isn't much point of trying.

Goff did a decent job at QB in place of Jackson who was on bye for me. I'm probably not going to stick with Goff in the near future though. I think that Jackson is the better bet. Unfortunately, I feel that Goff still has at least one or two bad games in him.

Wilson could have done better, but thankfully the rest of the team made up for his, Warren, and Boswell's poor performance.

I was already off to a great start on Friday morning when Metcalf put up a whopping 31 points in the Thursday night game. Maybe it was at that point that my brother in law decided to give up.

Kelce could have done better than the 8 points he gave me, but I think we all know that the Chiefs struggled on Sunday.

Miami has been killer on defense for me. I'm glad I picked them up a while ago. Meanwhile Kamara, White, and Pittman Jr. all head great games for me. I wish I could see scores like that week in and week out.


As you can see, our benches would have made zero difference, not much else to talk about there!

@mrsbozz wasn't as lucky as me. She had a two point loss to one of the other teams which honestly is a bit heart breaking.

Current standings have me in 8th place and her in 9th place. We need to pick things up if we want to have a chance to make it to the playoffs. This week I face off against the number one team in our league and @mrsbozz has a game against the #6 team in the league. I hope that we can both come out victorious. There are three teams in the league right now that have a 6-7 record with myself and @mrsbozz being two of them!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced