Sunny Saturday Hash Run

Well, the smog managed to stay at a minimum, which is a bit of a surprise to be honest since this time of year is when it normally starts to get a bit out of control as far as air quality it concerned. We got lucky for another week and for the most part we had clear skies and a pretty great crowd that turned up for our final Hash of the year.


There is a slight haze, but if I could show you some photos from this time last year you would notice the difference.

There are a lot of man made lakes like this around Chiang Mai and this makes for a wonderful location for all of our runs because it normally means there is going to be at least some semblance of a water feature and I think most people really enjoy that.


Although there wasn't as great of a turnout as last week, we had enough that it was eventful and we also had a very special reason to celebrate this Thursday as "Tiptoe" had quite the milestone to celebrate with us.


Today we got to celebrate Tiptoe's 300th run with us and this is just how many runs he has with this particular Hash kennel. If we were to tally up the amount of runs he has in an overall sense, it would likely be over 1000 since he tends to participate in the Monday and Thursday runs as well. This also isn't the first or only city that he has ever been Hashing in.

He is in his 70's, has problems with one of his legs that has in the past resulted in multiple surgeries, and he walks with a cane. Now what is your excuse for not getting involved with a local Hash? You can't really say you are in worse shape that Tiptoe is in for most people.


I know that seeing a dairy farm probably isn't that big of a deal for someone in the west, but it is actually extremely rare here, especially for the white and black cows, whatever they are called. Hell, this might not even be a dairy farm... what do i know? I'm not nor have I ever been a farmer. Cows are just not often seen and this probably wouldn't even be photo-worthy in most parts of the world but it is here.

So another month has gone by and we completed 13 Hash runs in the month and all of them had better than expected attendance. Next week we have 3 runs planned and there is also an outstation we have planned for Oct 6th. If you would like information on any of these things you can visit our official website



Well done to Tiptoe.

Yeah, he's a hero, that's for sure.