Chess Brothers Weekly Tournament Review "A good start"

in Sports Talk Social2 years ago (edited)


Chess Brothers Weekly Tournament Review "A good start"

We have started the season four and 20 chess players were present at the premiere of the new chessboard contest. Many known nicknames remain and other new hivers are integrated to the community. The truth is that this season being a higher number of rounds, 10 to be more exact, is a challenge in which the endurance and consistency in the game platform will be key to maximum performance for the final results of each player.

The results

For the opening tournament, the chess brothers @eniolw (AKA milignus on Lichess) and @vjap55, editors of this post, started off well by occupying positions 1 and 2. For their part, @fcastro17 achieved a solid third place and joined the podium of leaders. Similarly, @stayouttherz had an excellent performance and reached position number four. The following image shows the overall results of the first round:

Lichess Standings
Final standings of round 1

And here's the current league leaderboard:

RankLichessHiveRatingPointsRounds playedPerformance

Moments to meditate

The next game is a classic between the most consistent players in the chess leagues held on hive, @schamangerbert and @lighteye. In this position White is in trouble, as Black's a-pawn is sufficiently escorted and could eventually reach home. In addition, the first player has no counterplay to destabilize the enemy forces.

Position 1
@schamangerbert vs @lighteye

However, as happens in many blitz games, blunders are the order of the day and that is precisely what Black suffered. They gave up their bishop on c5 by mistake and this gave White a decisive material advantage. We also applaud the tenacity of the first player who resisted until the last moment and finally took advantage of his opponent's mistake.

On the other hand, this other game was one of the most hotly contested in this first round. The fight had several extremely interesting stages. Although much of the game was very evenly matched with opportune chances for imbalance on both sides, it had a rather dramatic ending.

Position 2
@rosmarly vs @emichessmaster

After reaching this position, the strong player @rosmarly squeezed the position to the maximum and was not satisfied with just signing a draw. His courage on the board forced Black to fall into a time trouble in which it was very difficult to defend. After several moves in the predicament, Black made the final mistake of exchanging his only minor piece and the pawn ending was automatically lost.

These games are clear examples of perseverance and fighting to the end. Which leaves as a lesson that the chess game concludes when the result is signed and not before.

To wrap up...

Thanks for joining us in this first round. The championship is just beginning and more great games are about to be played. See you soon with more action on the board. We will be informing you soon with the link to the tournament.

Results and Champions of the Chess Brothers League

  • 👑 Season 3 'Master Sacrifice': @eniolw
  • 👑 Season 2 'Gens una sumus': @tungphong
  • 👑 Season 1 Inauguration: @tungphong

  • Notes:

    • Unless otherwise stated, materials such as images and videos in this post are from @ChessBrothersPro.

    To learn more, visit this post as well as our official website



    Reseña del torneo semanal de Chess Brothers "Un buen comienzo"

    Hemos dado inicio a la cuarta temporada y 20 ajedrecistas se presentaron en el estreno de la nueva contienda del tablero de ajedrez. Muchos nicknames conocidos se mantienen y otros nuevos hivers se integran a la comunidad. Lo cierto es que esta temporada al ser un mayor en numero de rondas, 10 para ser más exactos, supone un reto en el que la resistencia y la constancia en la plataforma de juego será clave para el máximo rendimiento de cara a los resultados finales de cada jugador.

    Los resultados

    Para el torneo de inauguración, los chess brothers @eniolw (milignus en Lichess) y @vjap55, redactores de este post, comenzaron con buen pie al ocupar los puestos 1 y 2. Por su parte, @fcastro17 consagra un sólido tercer lugar sumándose al podio de líderes. De igual manera, @stayouttherz tuvo un excelente desempeño y alcanzó la posición número cuatro. En la siguiente imagen se apreciar los resultados generales de la primera ronda:

    Standings de Lichess
    Standings finales de la ronda 1

    y aquí está la actual tabla de posiciones de la liga:


    Momentos para reflexionar

    El siguiente partido es un clásico entre los jugadores más constantes de las ligas de ajedrez celebradas en hive, @schamangerbert y @lighteye. En esta posición las blancas están en aprietos, pues el peón a de las negras está lo suficientemente escoltado y eventualmente podría llegar a home. Además, el primer jugador no posee un contrajuego para desestabilizar a las fuerzas enemigas.

    Posicion 1
    @schamangerbert vs @lighteye

    No obstante, como ocurre en muchas partidas de blitz, los tropiezos están a la orden del día y es precisamente lo que las negras sufrieron. Entregaron su alfil en c5 por error y esto otorgó a las blancas una ventaja material decisiva. También se aplaude la tenacidad del primer jugador quien resistió hasta el último momento y finalmente fiscalizó el error de su rival.

    Por su parte, esta otra partida fue de las más disputadas en esta primera ronda. La lucha tuvo varias etapas sumamente interesantes. A pesar de que gran parte del juego estuvo muy igualado con oportunos chances de desequilibrio por parte de ambos bandos, tuvo un final bastante dramático.

    Posicion 2
    @rosmarly vs @emichessmaster

    Tras alcanzada esta posición, la fuerte jugadora @rosmarly exprimió al máximo la posición y no se conformó con firmar el empate. Su coraje en el tablero obligó a las negras a caer en un apuro de tiempo en el que costaba mucho defender. Después de varias jugadas en el apuro, las negras cometen el error final de cambiar su única pieza menor y con ello el final de peones se pierde automáticamente.

    Estas partidas son claros ejemplos de perseverancia y lucha hasta el final. Lo cual nos deja como lección que la partida de ajedrez concluye cuando el resultado es firmado y no antes.

    Para cerrar...

    Gracias por acompañarnos en esta primera ronda. El campeonato apenas comienzas y más partidas de gran nivel están a punto de ser jugadas. Nos vemos muy pronto con más acción en el tablero. Estaremos informándo próximamente el link al torneo.

    Resultados y campeones de la Liga de Ajedrez Chess Brothers


    • A menos que se haya dicho otra cosa, los materiales tales como imágenes y vídeos en este post son de @ChessBrothersPro.

    Para aprender más, visita este post así como también nuestro sitio oficial en la red


    Instagram de Chess BrothersYoutube de Chess BrothersLogo de Chess Brothers


So @eniolw has 2 acounts on Lichess? eniolw and milignus? I thought this is forbidden by Lichess.
On another note, can you please add the links to the 2 highlighted games, so that one can replay them?

So @eniolw has 2 acounts on Lichess? eniolw and milignus? I thought this is forbidden by Lichess.

I thought you knew that's my titled account, as I posted at least 10 chess videos in the chess community with my username milignus in them, right on the front page :S

Lichess often modifies its policies, and in this matter, there is even a contradiction, as indicated in this forum post. At the moment you can have two accounts if you have a special use case (such as an account for competitions, an account for casual games, etc.). The real point of the policy is to prevent abuse.

On another note, can you please add the links to the 2 highlighted games, so that one can replay them?

Sure, we'll do it as soon as we can.

Thanks for the explanation, I was not aware.

Oh thanks a lot for your recomendation! We just fixed it

However, as happens in many blitz games, blunders are the order of the day and that is precisely what Black suffered.

I constantly improve my blundering capabilities… 😁😁😁

LOL. We all do it from time to time. Thanks for participating.

You are welcome, @eniolw, and thank you for the tournament 😃