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RE: Sporting memories: Getting a job in a college football stadium as a kid

I also worked at a Newlands Cricket ground helping at a drinks stand, but found it far more lucrative working for myself. As a kid you pay the junior ticket price, but the pass outs for those leaving the ground were all adult. Cricket games are played over 5 days so someone wo arrived in the morning will possibly pop out and come back and why they have pass outs. I would pay a the gate for a kiddies ticket and then leave the ground and sell my pass out to someone coming to the ground making a decent profit in the process. Not really legal, but the money made by this scheme was enough to see me through the school holidays living like a king.


haha, that's a wonderful little scam you had there. How much profit do you think you made every time you pulled that off and were you able to get away with it without getting caught every time?

The big games had large crowds and was able to do it 20 or30 times per day and back in those days having R300 profit per day was very good money. My pocket money was R10 per week so it was well worth it. I was never caught and used multiple exits and entrances so it was not that obvious. I even had a route into the ground for free using the tennis courts which backed onto the public toilets from the neighboring sports club.

oh i hadn't even considered that you would be able to do it more than once. I guess you had to leave via different exits so that the security wouldn't figure you out? or was there just so many people that they either couldn't possibly know or didn't care ?