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RE: Community Voice: How Do we move SportstalkSocial Community further from here?

Finally, I start to see people who are great SPORTS holders interacting and showing interest / concern about the future of the community.

I arrived here a short time ago but from an early age I realized that there was some kind of problem related to the community's tokenomics, as I saw a lot of gnets working on SPORTS anyway. The community has its share of responsibility for upvoting these posts.

Honestly I start to think that the community is a little abandoned.
I am not responsible for the community interested in moving forward with changes and improvements, always "hiding" in the economic question.
Yes, our community has a lack of communication for several times. I tried to raise some kind of discussion on our discoord channel and we don't even get a response and the lack of developers is a consequence of the community nowadays looking abandoned.

I think there are several things that should be discussed and changed, for example SPORTS tokenomics, improving the front end so that we can attract people to use it and with that we end up starting to deal with marketing and the community account it should be more active in both curating and informing the current status of the project.