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RE: No tears.. No complaints.. Just immense pride -SWEEPSTAKE

Until last night's game Morocco had been mostly defensive, but against France their offensive organization was also good. They showed a resilience that I didn't expect from them. Their success deserves applause.

Argentina will be my favorite in the final, they have been improving every game since the start. France started well but they have been a bit stagnant in the last two games. Still, the chances are equal, small details can decide the result, maybe luck!


Hi,I think you've been spot-on with Morocco in that match. They showed a masterclass in offence, with their defensive steel still showing.

@welshstacker ,your blog title concludes the whole matter. No shame indeed for Morocco, they can hold their head up high,nay very high! I think when you refer to France as "well-drilled" you are saying something profound about what France showed in the match,a certain experience or maturity. I wrote concerning that experience. You will see how I think it's crucial for the next battle.
