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RE: Real Madrid Eliminate Barca From Copa Del Rey In Style

We both know if my injured players were on the field the match would have turned out differently in my Barcelona favor. Remember no De Jong, Pedri, Dembele, and Christensen were messing in yesterday's game. Your first win this season was the same story Barcelona's squad was not complete, and I will like to see Madrid try when all my players are fit.


Man when you won the last time you had the same players on the field but you still won.

Don’t bring up that excuse of having players injured and all that😂. Man we won so take it like that.

We won in style and that’s that.

I had the same player our you did not watch the last match, De Jong and Christensen were fit or did you see Marcos Alonso start over Christensen?

Man all this excuses don’t make no sense😂. Are you saying there’s no way in the world we can beat you if all your players are fit?

Yes there is no way, oh you forget when you team failed a get a shot on target this season😂😂😂

😂😂hehe, it rarely happens with Madrid and you know it. Man this excuse of injured players is not the way. When you loose you accept it and move on.

So Madrid can only beat you when you have players injured right?😂. Man come on.

So what of the previous seasons?