SURFING - The "Dawnie": Why do surfers often choose to surf at dawn or dusk instead of the middle of the day? PROS and CONS

Hello everyone on HIVE and especially the Sports Talk Social Community! My name is Jasper and I’m writing to you from Cape Town, South Africa! One of my topics that I tend to post about a lot on HIVE is one of my favourite sports, surfing!

Recently I wrote a little post about small wave surfing (, and shared photos from a surf session where I was able to get to the beach after work… and just before the sun went down and the conditions were too dark to see properly!

Somebody asked me if I didn’t think it was safer/better to surf in the middle of the day… and it got me to thinking that truthfully, surfers often choose to surf at dawn or dusk, rather than the middle of the day, and they choose to on purpose. Why? What are the pros and cons of surfing at first light, or last light?

Let’s start with the cons:


Risk of Sharks

Many articles will say that sharks are more likely to be actively hunting at dawn or dusk, and that the reduced visibility will make it more likely that they mistake a surfer for a seal or something tasty. In other words, the risk of a shark attack should theoretically be greater at dawn or dusk.

That makes sense on a theoretical level, but I don’t know if there’s any statistical data to back that up? If I think about almost every shark attack I have ever heard about over the years, most of them happened in bright daylight? There are shark spotters at certain beaches in Cape Town, and they definitely spot sharks, and blow the siren for us to come in, during the middle of the day. To be fair, they usually aren’t on duty at dawn or dusk so that’s not a fair comparison.

My other point is that, unless I’m surfing a few particular places in South Africa, like Port St Johns or near the Robberg Peninsula in Plettenberg Bay, the statistical chance of a shark attack is so small that it really isn’t worth worrying about. I have a lot higher statistical chance of dying in a car crash on my way to and from the beach in the first place!

Risk of Crime?

South Africa has a high crime rate compared to most places in the world. We have an especially high rate of violent crime – I’m not just talking about pickpocketing here. With that being the case, surely it would be safer to park at the beach to go surfing in the middle of the day? Perhaps there may even be a car guard present?

Again, I can’t argue with that logic.

On the other hand, some of our criminals are damn brazen. My former boss (and good friend) was killed in a botched hijacking after getting out of the surf about 3 years ago. It is a topic I still want to write about on another HIVE community soon. As far as I remember, this happened in the middle of the day.


So, understanding that there should be a slightly higher risk of something like a shark attack or crime happening, why do we do it? Why do we surf at dawn (the “dawnie”) or at dusk instead of during the day?


Well, here’s an obvious reason, perhaps we can’t wait for the weekend and choose to find a gap to surf on a workday. This is much harder to do, without feeling guilty, in the middle of the day. It’s much better to get your work done, and then treat yourself to a relaxing, stress-relieving surf as a reward.


South Africa has some serious UV going on! That’s great for my job where I look for potential Solar PV (and wind) developments (, but unfortunately, I have pale skin, and even a tinge of ginger in my facial hair, and tend to burn quite easily. You get some sun creams that do better in water than others, but typically none seem to last quite long enough! Better to surf before or after the UV risk is at its worst!


Only select surfers tend to surf early or late. These tend to be the ones that are a bit like me, who revel in surfing with just a few friends or even entirely alone, rather than hassling an entire crowd over a limited resource of waves. There are only about 3 waves in a good set, and the sets often only come once every few minutes. If you’re surfing in a crowd, and obeying the unwritten rules of not dropping in on other people’s waves, then you tend to catch less waves then you intended and land up feeling a bit frustrated – which is not why I surf! I surf to feel good!


This is actually the main reason out of all of them, and is especially true for most of the rest of South Africa, where the coastline does not have an interesting peninsula facing all sorts of wind directions like the Cape Town peninsula does.

Along the rest of South Africa’s more uniform coastline, the wind tends to be a lot softer in the mornings and evenings, and blows hardest during the middle of the day.

In fact, besides the predominant wind direction – you tend to get two localised breezes happening along the shoreline…

The land breeze – this happens when the sea is warmer than the land, usually during the night, but also while it’s dawn or dusk. When this happens, the warmer air rises off the sea and is replaced by air coming off the land… this creates a localised offshore wind which holds up the face of the oncoming waves and makes them beautifully clean! Worth waking up early for!

The opposite happens in the middle of the hot day, and is called a sea breeze! By now the land is much hotter than the sea, and so hot air rises off the land to be replaced by air coming off the sea. This creates a localised onshore wind which flattens waves and makes them choppy and messy… EWW!

A clean offshore wave on the left, and a choppy onshore mess on the right…

So, in Cape Town – I can often get away with surfing once the sun is fully up, usually on the weekend – but in many other places in the country and around the world, don’t be surprised to find out that surfers are already hitting the water while you’re still in bed! Ha, and people think we are lazy and unmotivated! Actually, we’re just motivated about surfing the best waves the day has to offer – often first light or last!



Good answer as obviously everyone tells you dawn and dusk is when sharks tend to eat. Luck of the draw and percentages as well I suppose as the two guys I knew surfed daily and not sure what time of the day their attacks happened.

Oh no - did they both suffer shark attacks? That is terrible! Did either of them survive?

Another great post about Surfing dear friend @jasperdick !.... As always, you have made an extremely eloquent and very well structured article, the approaches are clear and leave no room for doubt as to the pros, cons and all that you raise ... In addition to being a "lonely and inveterate romantic surfer" you are also an excellent writer given the fluidity and naturalness with which you write...

I'm very sorry about what happened to your boss and friend, I can identify with the feeling of loss because in our country too often these things happen...

A pleasure to read you and to see those photos with an excellent comparison of the conditions according to the time...

Keep on surfing when and where you can and where you want!.... Doing what we like is one of the wonderful things in life!....

Thanks for sharing your excellent work!....


!discovery 30

Thank you so much my friend! Yes, I can imagine that crime got a lot worse in Venezuela as the economy there fell apart! I will try tell the full story about my boss's death soon - it still makes me angry 3 years later.

Yes... I hope that surfing, music and various other things to look forward to... will keep me young at heart and happy in this life!

Nothing beats morning glass, makes dawn patrol all worth it.
Really sad to hear about your former boss losing his life in an attempted carjacking after getting out of the surf. Man, that's unimaginable.

Thanks so much for voting up various posts of mine! I see your vote is quite a powerful one with a lot of HP behind it! Where are you from - I see a lot of your own posts are about the situation in Canada, but you are giving me clues that you have been a surfer at some point in your life?

Yes, my boss's death was a terrible story - even by South African standards - I will try and write about it soon!

Surfing is a passion of mine, yes. It's life changing in so many ways and unlike any other sport really. Like reading your posts when I get the chance, I can sense the stoke. I am curious about what happened to your friend, write about it if and when it feels right for you. S. Africa seems like a special place, thanks for sharing your adventures here.

Thank you again for your support!

Ah so you do surf but I'm curious as to where! - I still see a lot of post references to Canada and some about the USA. I will probably never work out exactly where this "ghost face blogger" is based! :) I believe there is a bit of surf on Vancouver Island in Canada if it is there! USA has surf all over the place. Could be neither!

I will post about my boss/friend. I would like to visit the memorial cross for photos, and do a bit more homework on it first.

Ah and there I just thought you were one of those godawful morning people 🤣🤣

Not usually - I find waves a compelling reason to wake up early and otherwise prefer not to! I'm not a "crack of noon" person like some people I know though! ;)

Guilty as charged 🙈🙈

Cuddles 🐈 and chuckles. 😂

Haha - oh man your account looks like it is worth following for a dose of cuteness in this tough world! I have two beautiful cats myself!

Greetings Friend.

My owners call me toe-side, half-blind so come in for the punch side-ways on my toes.

Cool you got cats, what are their names?
See you a surfer and musco cat too!

Rad animal owner!
Thanks for looking after the animals!

Sien julle in die Kaap, ons is in Kwazulu-Natal boeta

Hey @zakludick! Are you aware of this SA account?

Nope! I have not! Hi there @petsandanimals

Groete van die Kaap!

Dankie @zakludick
Ons is vriende met die vis

Tuine en braai van Kwa-Natal

Kan net die heining maak.
Moeiliker om oor grense te trek, sal papa stap naar die kaap om joune te ontmoet 😺

As for my cats - the girl is called Bunny (or "Bunbuns") and the boy is called Pickle (or "Mr Pickles")! I've written a couple of posts about them, but this one was the first:

Purrrfect @jasperdick, Beach cats, keeping the Siamese right at home.
Mr. Pickles Thai Beach island homie, we love living in all kinds of cat colonies.

Howz the Muay Thai skills?

Cat family is huge,
fire like lions🦁,
tight like tigers🐯

Haha I've done a few Muay Thai classes but I think Mr. Pickles would still beat me up if he wanted to! Luckily he only gets mad at the vet!

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