Gervonta Davis the new face of boxing. ENG-ESP

Gervonta Davis the new face of boxing


Gervonta Davis is Floyd Maywheater Jr's pupil, however he is far from being similar to him in terms of boxing styles, because in my opinion Floyd was much more of a boxer than Davis. On the contrary, Gervonta is a fighter who is not afraid to go forward to look for and exchange punches with his opponent, he is not the guy who goes all over the ring as Floyd was, Davis goes forward without fear, it seems that so far he has not found someone who can stop him, the boy looks physically impeccable.

Being Floyd's spoiled brat, Gervonta has copied Maywheater's bad habits. Davis is a loudmouth, talks a lot, is terribly rude to everyone and especially his opponents, but there is no denying that he boxes very well, is one of the strongest hands today, and in the absence of boxers that attract the public, I believe that in the figure of Davis a star is being born.


This southpaw kid from the port city of Baltimore continues to demonstrate the immense desire to continue to build a name and an important legacy in boxing. Perhaps he has in the figure of Floyd an example to try to imitate, perhaps he finds in him the necessary inspiration to put on the gloves and box at the highest level.

The record of Gervonta Davis is quite impressive in my opinion because it is 27-0 (25 KO) something that is not bad at all, for this boxer who was able to maintain his undefeated fighting against another boxer who was also undefeated, such as Rolando Romero, who also has a great punch in his fists, but showed that his weak point is his jaw.


Gervonta was not speculating anything against Romero, because from the first minutes of the fight he received him with punches to the humanity of Rolando, the powerful left hand of Davis made Romero go back and he did not find any way to get rid of it.

Gervonta is a guarantee of spectacle his last few fights has filled the stadiums in which he has fought, Davis has left no room for doubt that he is one of the most profitable boxers today.
Now Davis has to step up in his sporting career and look to fight the best at 135 pounds, a weight he has already stated he is most comfortable at, after he soundly knocked out Romero on Saturday night.


The critics of this guy say that Floyd's promotion has been protecting him from the opponents that can really hurt him, something that would not be strange in boxing, because doing a quick review of Gervonta's opponents, I think they had some details that did not favor them in their fights against Davis, however Gervonta just finished a contract with Floyd's promotion, so all that protection or not could be over soon.

What is true is that this guy is one of the best in boxing today, I think he can be at the level of Canelo Alvarez who looked very bad in his last fight, so I would not be surprised if Gervonta is the next visible and representative face of boxing in the coming years.

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Gervonta Davis la nueva cara del boxeo


Gervonta Davis es el pupilo de Floyd Maywheater Jr, sin embargo está lejos de parecérsele en cuanto a estilos de boxeos se habla, pues a mi parecer Floyd era mucho más boxeador que Davis. Por el contrario Gervonta es un boxeador que no le teme ir adelante a buscar e intercambiar golpes con su rival, no es el tipo que recorre todo el cuadrilátero como sí lo era Floyd, Davis va hacia adelante siempre sin miedo, pues parece que no hasta ahora no ha encontrado a alguien que pueda detenerlo, el chico luce físicamente impecable.

Siendo el consentido de Floyd, Gervonta le ha copiado las malas mañas a Maywheater. Davis es bocon, habla mucho, es terriblemente mal educado con todos y sobretodo sus rivales, pero no se puede negar que boxea muy bien, es de las manos más fuertes de la actualidad, y ante la carencia de boxeadores que atraigan al público, considero que en la figura de Davis está naciendo una estrella.

Este chico zurdo de la ciudad portuaria de Baltimore sigue demostrando las inmensas ganas de seguir construyéndose un nombre y un legado importante en el boxeo. Quizás tiene en la figura de Floyd un ejemplo a tratar de imitar, quizás encuentra en el la inspiración necesaria para ponerse los guantes y boxear al más alto nivel.


El record de Gervonta Davis es bastante impresionante a mi parecer pues es 27-0 (25 KO) algo que no está para nada mal, para este boxeador que supo mantener su invicto peleando ante otro boxeador quien también estaba invicto, como lo era Rolando Romero, quien también tiene un gran pegado en sus puños, pero mostró que su punto frágil es la mandíbula.

Gervonta no estuvo especulando nada ante Romero, pues desde los primeros minutos de la pelea lo recibió con sendos puñetazos a la humanidad de Rolando, la zurda poderosa de Davis hizo retroceder a Romero y este no encontró forma ni manera de quitársela de encima.


Gervonta es garantía de espectáculo sus últimas peleas ha llenado los estadios en lo que ha peleado, Davis no ha dejado espacio a la duda que es unos de los boxeadores más rentables de la actualidad.

Ahora Davis tiene que dar un paso adelante en su carrera deportiva y buscar pelear contra lo mejor de las 135 libras, un peso en el que ya ha declarado que es de lo más cómodo, después de noquear contundentemente a Romero el sábado por la noche.


Los críticos de este muchacho dicen que la promotora de Floyd lo ha estado protegiendo de los rivales que de verdad lo pueden lastimar, cosa que no sería extraño en el boxeo, pues haciendo un rápido repaso los rivales Gervonta, creo que tuvieron algunos detalles que no les favoreció en sus pelea contra Davis, no obstante Gervonta acaba de terminar un contrato con la promotora de Floyd, por la que toda esa protección o no se le podría acabar pronto.

Lo que si es verdad es que este chico es de lo mejor del boxeo en la actualidad, yo considero que puede estar a nivel de Canelo Alvarez quien se vio muy mal en su última pelea, por lo que no me sorprendería que Gervonta sea la próxima cara visible y representativa del boxeo en los próximos años.


I haven't seen Davis vs Romero fight yet, but i had see the one versus Isaac Cruz. I personally believe, in that match Cruz deserve more the win. Of course Isaac Davis is a brilliant boxer, who i would like to see him confront George Kamposos! Anyway, nice post as always Kraken! Hive need more post about boxing 🥊

Thank you very much for your comment.
I think there are good and interesting fights to come, Gervonta has a good punch.
Of course Hive needs more Boxing post.
Best regards

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A pleasure


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Hmm interesting to see a new boxing light coming up. I will try to keep track with this one. I really like his teeth in the picture :D

Or is it just the mouth safety? :D