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RE: Returning to Indoor Bouldering

I too wonder if your muscles retain some memory. I'd also spent the last 19+ years carrying children and their paraphernalia around, so that might have helped. I definitely need to get my leg strength up, as I discovered on a couple of climbs that my daughter (single leg squats at gymnastics, girl) could do and I couldn't get my legs to move without some help from my arms.

I also think we gain stamina as we age. Youngsters manage the quick bursts well enough, but often struggle in the stamina department.



Haha I'm pretty sure that qualifies as exercise too.

Leg strength seems harder to maintain. That was always one of my weak points. I used to be able to do chin-ups and dips all day but if I tried to do squats, I'd be soaked in sweat and out of breath from what should require very little effort.

I think you're onto something there. Maybe we learn not how to burn ourselves so fast or maybe it comes from the years of conditioning that we get from working and doing all those things adults are supposed to do.

I've always struggled with leg strength too. My sister was better in that department, while I was always stronger in the arms. I have broader shoulders than her, though, so that could have something to do with it. Working on squats. My legs feel numb after 25! 😅