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RE: Messi says the current best players in the world

Wow,it is good to see Messi giving credit to other players and I must say it is an extra motivation from the Recent Copa America winner to have say this.

Arguably to me and base on my opinion messi is one of the finest players to have grace the world of football in this generation.

I might not really witness the days of Pele and George weah but I hear alot about this players which as really shows that lot of stars as grace the Field of play in the works of football.

Sincerely apart from Messi giving kudos to those player,I strongly believe that those names mentioned as been very proflic in their different league.

Messi who just won the just concluded Copa America in Brasil as really established himself as one of the best player in the world of football.

I strongly agreed with you that names mentioned too are best player's in their various leagues as much is expected from them as the season is about to kick next month

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