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RE: The worst refereeing decisions in the history of football

A lot of referees' decisions have definitely changed the fates of many games.

If I remember vividly, the England-Germany scenario was one of the major reasons that birthed the VAR story, which I think to a large extent has helped with some decisions like the handball to goals and offsides. The only blemish on VAR for me has been some red card decisions that double standards were employed.

Referees are humans and it's not out of place that they make errors. The only sad part is that those errors can't be corrected once the game ends, even if the referee eventually admits erring.

One bad refereeing decision that I'd not forget in a while was the sending off of Robin van Persie against Barcelona in the Champions League in 2011 by referee Massimo Busacca when Arsenal had just equalized and were leading on aggregate. There was just a second between his whistle and RVP's kick, but he still went ahead to give him a second yellow, even after the first was a contentious one that he was tricked into by Dani Alves. Still hurts very much though.


Haha, well RVP certainly wasn't happy about it!


Oh my God, this is traumatising

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