Attacking With A Cricket Bat

Whatever the attacker has, he can attack you with that. If it is any stick, baseball bat, cricket bat or, hockey stick, you can use the same techniques to defend yourself. You can expect some common ways the attacker will attack you.

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The attacker can hit you straight to the head, it can come from up to down. The attacker can swing the stick and hit you from the side. The target can be the head, shoulder, legs, or other parts of the body. You can watch this video. We are going to talk about this and share my opinion.

When someone attacks you with a stick, it could be a hockey stick, baseball bat, or cricket bat, making the distance can help you temporarily to defend yourself. For example, if the attacker swings the stick and is about to hit your leg, you can move back fast to make enough distance so that he cannot hit you. You can also kick the attacker's hands to stop the swing.

Here's the most important part when you make the distance as a defense, the attacker will attack you again since he missed the first time. So the best thing you can do after making the distance is to get close to the attacker the moment his stick moves to the side. You can grab the attacker's hand with the stick and strike him.

When the attacker has a stick, you can kick, but doing a back kick is not a good option (turning your back to the attacker that showed in the video), I think. You are exposing your back, neck, head, and other parts of the body to the attack while doing the back kick. The attacker can easily take advantage of this situation and hit you before your back kick hits him.

To defend against a stick attack, it is better to move fast and get close to the attacker as a defense. You can stop the attacker in his first attempt and protect yourself. So what do you think? Please feel free to leave your comments below. Thank you so much for reading this post.

Stay safe. Always be happy!

Image Source: 1.
Reference: 1.

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Hope that I won't have to face the situation in my life ever.

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I have done it when I was a child