
One of my first proposals will be to adopt something that I seen @stemgeeks do ages ago with their non-tribe page penalty burn. I think it makes a lot of sense for the tribe's long term growth especially once the advertising is fixed. I've already consulted to find the costs for the contract changes and just waiting until the proposals are ready to see if the tribe agrees that is the right way to go.

I don't think I'll ever fully be for drastically decreasing the token production. Since we have such a large disbursement early on if we lower it we are essentially setting a ruling class of anyone who owns those large amounts. There wouldn't be the same earning potential for future users to offset the gains that early adopters made.

Penalty burn will certainly solve some problem of inflation and it also make distinction who are putting as extra tag vs "only sports".

Inflation can be controlled by introducing new token that will be swapped with existing SPORTS, new token will come with fairly less supply and less inflation.