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RE: NCAA Men's Basketball Re-Cap 3/15/2022: Let's Dance!

Wow you actually chose Davidson to win over your own boys? I guess that is proof that you are being objective! On a side note does it bother you at all that your real name, email, and phone number are clearly visible to the public on your pic? Just checkin because it would concern me.


Haha, I didn't even notice that about my contact info. Good catch! Not even sure I can fix that now. To be honest. I don't think hardly anyone actually reads the stuff I post on this account except maybe you and two other people! Yeah, so in my other bracket I have MSU going a little further, but the past decade has shown that they really seem to choke come tournament time, so I am not holding out a lot of hope. If they make a run, awesome. Otherwise, I have some contingencies in place!

i see you removed it. I think it is a good call, just to be safe.

Yeah, I agree. That wasn't even my real phone number, but better safe than sorry. Thanks for noticing it!