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RE: The Weirdest Football Mascots Ever

It could yet be! Gunnersaurus was made redundant last year, not even put on Furlough, just given the axe as Arsenal looked to cut costs. Apparently, Mesut Ozil offered to pay the guy's wages so he didn't get fired. I guess Mesut can sympathise with someone who gets paid an obscene amount of money to do next to nothing!

Gunnersaurus was then brought back earlier this year but now I hear that Arsenal are considering replacing him yet again. So who knows what you might end up with? Maybe just Ian Wright in his flat cap running around the pitch edge for 90mins?

As you can see, for a Spurs fan I know an obscene amount about Arsenal's mascot which in many ways seems to mirror Arsenals search for a half-decent centre back after the retirement of Adams and Keown. That ended with you stealing Sol Campbell from us so you never know, you could yet sign Lily here



I guess Mesut can sympathise with someone who gets paid an obscene amount of money to do next to nothing!


I now have a vivid picture of Ian Wright running around as a mascot geeing up the crowd!

I couldn't believe when Sol joined Arsenal. I never thought he'd consider it even. It would be like Roy Keane signing for Liverpool...

Money does funny things to people's priorities and faithfulness.