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RE: Hive FPL Winners and Planning for Next Season

There’s a million dollar question.

So Hive has its main tokens HIVE and HBD but it also has 2nd layer tokens. There are hundreds of them! One is the SPORTS token which is awarded for creating content within the #sportstalk community.

Essentially they work in exactly the same way as HIVE does but only within that community. So you can stake them and increase your voting power and governance or you can sell the liquid token for HIVE or other tokens.

Hive Engine is where most 2nd layer tokens can be found and traded.

You can also see your current balance via the PeakD interface

Here’s yours …



Great, thank you. I was aware of Peakd's existence but haven't taken the time to look at it. I'll take a look at hive-engine too 👍

Hoorah! My vote's worth $0.01 😁