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RE: Integrity Of The Sport Damaged - Mercedes have To Stand Their Ground

I was reading an article which quoted Masi from a race in 2020 talking about the same rule where he stated "There's a requirement in the sporting regulations to wave all the lapped cars past."
Difficult to have any faith in the integrity of a sport's decision makers when they show such obvious inconsistancy and are happy to interpret the regulations to fit their agenda!


It is incredible how they twist things to suit their own agenda. I really hope Mercedes don't back down as this needs to be rectified. The bigger picture is what is needed now and not about the team. Was a funny day with Red Bull tweeting constantly which actually makes it far worse. Too cocky when they are poking the bear who can take it all away. The other teams have to be all talking amongst each other and not just one or two as it affects all of them.