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RE: The worst refereeing decisions in the history of football

I'm guessing that Belgium didn't get the memo from FIFA that said Brazil were winning the WC that year so don't bother trying to beat them because otherwise we'll get the ref to make sure of it! 🤣

The 2nd one. I mean there is no way that the defender can legally tackle the forward once he's allowed him to get goal side - a blind man would give that as a penalty!

Thanks for sharing



Yep, pretty awful memories to World Cups here in Belgium. Allthough 1986 en 2018 were awesome, we had some very bad decisions against us. That one against Germany, I was 13 years old, but I remember it as if it was yesterday. And then there is the 119th minute goal of David Platt in the World Cup of 1990, in a game were we completely ridiculed England, but the goal posts decided otherwise... Oh man, a hate-love relationship with the WC. Thanks for the Beer though! ;-)