How prepared is your team as the English premier league title race draws closer

Any time for now we will be seeing the beautiful face of players as the English premier league will surely kickstart. I must admit I just can't wait to see how beautiful the English premier league will be. For your information it is not only the English premier league that will be resuming so soon, almost all the major league you know will also kick start. Leagues like the Spanish premier league, Bundesliga league, France league, Italian league, Scottish league and some other great and notable league will kick start too. I just can't wait for that to happen so that my weekend can go to how it uses to be fun filled with amazing shocking moment. It will really mean a lot to me. I am tired of having a poor weekend with nothing to spice it up. From the look of things, the English premier league should be starting come August. I don't know the exact date yet. But I am sure it will be August.


Just like what I said above, I am simply tired of bored weekend, I just need various league to start so that I can enjoy my weekend back to how it uses to be. Nothing is more sweeter than a weekend with sport activities. Just like the message that I am trying to pass out, I am fully prepared to see the English premier league goes live. It will really helped to see me gets my attention and focus from the the bear market which the entire cryptocurrency world is passing through. At least I will see something that will makes me very happy. We all knows how important it is to be celebrating and feeling happy. If you are a soccer lover by now you will get the message that I am trying to pass. It is just too sweet seeing the English premier league kick starting and also with your team doing amazingly well.

With the time of the resumption of the English premier league drawing closer, it now falls to how prepared is your team. If the English premier league kick starts today will you be proud of your team? This has been running through my head. We have lots of team in the English premier league but I will only focus on Manchester city, Liverpool fc, Tottenham Hotspur, Arsenal fc, Chelsea fc, Manchester city, Westham United, Aston Villa, Leicester city, Brighton and Hove Albion, Wolves, Newcastle United, Crystal Palace, Brentford, Southampton city, Everton fc etc.

With the team I mentioned above, we all can see that next season in the English premier league won't be for jokes. Every team will wants to put in their powers and best hundred percent (100%). This is why evey team out there needs to be focus and determined because next season for any reason won't be easy at all. If you play with your chance just bear it in your mind that you are finished. For those teams who will be paying attention and focus towards winning the English premier league trophy, you should knows that the perfect way to get that achieved is simply by focusing on those smaller teams. Don't in any way over look them if not you will pay dearly for it. We all knows that when it comes to the English premier league title race, there is never a smaller team. All the team here are wonderful and amazing. Don't for any reason joke with any team if not you might end up comprising your title race when it comes to the English premier league trophy race.


The question now balls to how prepared is your team as the start of the English premier league draws closer. This is a very big question and it will be bad if your team for any reason is not preparing for what lies ahead i.e the start of the English premier league 2022/2023 season. For those that are not prepared, well, there is still chance to do so right now. You better start visiting your drawing board because the 2022/2023 English premier league title race won't be easy at all. Staying put will requires you to showers all your time, energy and effort in pursuit of the English premier league trophy.

As per how prepared, I can only sees Liverpool fc and Manchester city making positive moves. It shows that they are the only team getting prepared 100% for the upcoming English premier league competition. I have looked at other team especially Manchester United and I must admit that I am not too motivated at all. They need to act fast or they will face the wrath when the English premier league kick starts. One thing that I dislike about the Manchester United team right now is that they love bidding but not doing justice to the bid.


Team outside top four spot i.e teams that failed to qualified for the Uefa champions league or the Europa league, might struggle to attract players to their team. This is where they might gets affected big time. All players wants to make sure that they are playing in bigger competition, this is why attracting them to your team once you are not in European competitions will always be hard. I remembered back then when my team (Liverpool fc) failed to qualify for European competitions. The hell we faced why trying to get the attentions of bigger players was stressful. The moment we got out of such zone every thing changes and we are now attracting all good players all over the world. We can simply sign any player with ease and they will rush our bid.

It is really a big issue for those that are not going to be playing for European soccer. Team like Manchester United, Crystal Palace, Leicester city, Brighton and Hove Albion, will find it difficult to attract qualify player. The big question still stand, how prepared is your team towards the upcoming English premier league competition? I will love to hear from you guys, please comment.

    All photos gotten  
   from YouTube


I will end the post here, if you have anything else to say please air your view by commenting under the comment section on this post and I will try my possible best to reply.

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What a great post 🔥🔥

Thanks, I so much appreciate


Very cool post! I think at this poitn right now, no team is finished with their planning and is probably still searching for reinforcments :)

Thanks brother for the comment