Meme TV, Feb. 28th 2020 [eng/срп] Мимовизија, 28. фебруар 2020.

in Original MEMEs4 years ago (edited)

The most interesting news in #meme’s for this day [eng/срп] Данашње најважније вести кроз мимове…


NATO and Turkey appealed on Syria and Russia to respect international law of Turkey to the seizure of foreign territories

Ministarstvo Dacic-3qsxte.jpg

Upon return Serbian Foreign Minister from China, the Serbian Ministry of Health confirmed that all viruses had successfully escaped in front of Minister Dačić, so he had failed to infect them


Boyko Borisov, Bulgarian Prime Minister and longtime bodyguard of Yotsa Amsterdam, used the visit of the Foreign Minister of Montenegro, Duško Marković, to offer his services to the MN President Milo Djukanović


Netanyahu shows the location of the bitcoin mine he will generously hand over to the Palestinians. He'll give them shovels too


e-vizitka - 2017-10-28_131026-mala.jpg

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hahahah kida post, poz!

Мило ми је да ти се допао, @stimburgarin

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