[ENG/ESP] Every Woman Should Learn the Basics About Engine Maintenance / Toda Mujer Debería Saber lo Básico Sobre el Mantenimiento de un Motor

in Hive Motors3 years ago (edited)


Greetings Hivers, I learned to drive when I was working as an engineer in an electrical service company, it was mandatory to learn to drive to get the job, so I was in a course where I quickly learned to drive synchronous vans. So from time to time at home, I would take the family vehicle and hit the streets without needing my husband to drive.

Saludos hivers, Aprendí a manejar cuando trabajaba como ingeniero en una empresa de servicio eléctrico, era obligatorio aprender a manejar para obtener el empleo, por lo que estuve en un curso donde rápidamente aprendí a manejar camionetas sincrónicas. Así que de vez en cuando en casa tomaba el vehículo familiar y salía a la calle sin necesitar que mi esposo manejara.


But when it comes to maintaining a car and its components and all that, I never learned anything, much less was interested in it. In the company, when any eventuality with the operation and maintenance of the truck occurred we only called the service employees and they solved everything, and in the case of the home vehicle, my husband would take care of that.

Some years ago, not many, my husband had to travel out of the city for a week, so he left me the car keys and told me that the gas tank was full. The next day I left in the car to do some shopping, then I went to visit my mother, everything was working as normal in the car, but then I wanted to go to the house of a friend who lived a bit far from where I was.

Pero con respecto al mantenimiento de un carro y sus componentes y todo eso, yo nunca aprendí nada, y mucho menos me interesé por eso. En la empresa cualquier eventualidad con el funcionamiento y mantenimiento de la camioneta solo llamaba a los empleados de servicio y ellos resolvían todo, y en el caso del vehículo de la casa de eso se encargaba mi esposo.
Hace algunos años, no muchos, mi esposo tuvo que viajar fuera de la ciudad por una semana, así que me dejó las llaves del carro y me dijo que el tanque de gasolina estaba "full. Al siguiente día muy temprano salí en el carro a hacer unas compras, luego fui a visitar a mi mamá, todo estaba funcionando a la normalidad en el carro, pero luego quise ir a casa de una amiga que vivía algo lejos de donde estaba.


I took one of the fastest roads in my city, I think I was going 100 kilometers per hour, maybe less, suddenly the car began to emit a very strange noise, but I was already arriving at my friend's house so I didn't pay much attention Then when I was about to leave the car made another noise this time louder and a lot of smoke came out of the car and suddenly the engine stopped, the car could not start.

My friend's husband went to see what was happening to my car, and he told me that everything indicated that the engine had melted, he could not believe it, we looked for a crane that took the car to a workshop where they confirmed what my friend had said, the engine had blown up. I called my husband on the cell phone and told him what happened, he said several expletives and hung up.

Tomé una de las carreteras más rápidas de mi ciudad, creo que iba a 100 kilómetros por hora, quizá menos, de pronto el carro comenzó a emitir un ruido muy extraño, pero ya estaba llegando a casa de mi amiga así que no hice mucho caso. Luego cuando me disponía a irme el auto hizo otro ruido esta vez más fuerte y salió mucho humo por el escape y repentinamente se detuvo el motor, el carro no podía encender.
El esposo de mi amiga fue a ver que sucedía a mi carro, y me dijo que todo indicaba que el motor se había fundido, no lo podía creer, buscamos una grúa que llevó el carro a un taller donde confirmaron lo había dicho mi amigo, se la había fundido el motor. Llamé a mi marido por celular y le comenté lo sucedido, casi le da algo, dijo varios improperios y colgó.


It turns out that the car had a bottle of motor oil due to an expired packing. At that moment I realized the importance of knowing the basics of the car engine, how to measure oil and water, so I decided to learn how to do it and not depend on anyone.

Well that's my story, the good thing about all that is that now I'm more cautious with my car, I learned the basics and frequently check the oil and water in my car, I can even have a conversation with my mechanic and understand what he says.


Resulta que el carro tenía un bote de aceite de motor debido a una estopera vencida. En ese momento me percaté de la importancia de conocer lo básico del motor del carro, como saber medir el aceite y el agua, por lo que decidí aprender a hacerlo y no depender de nadie.
Bueno esa es mi historia, lo bueno de todo eso es que ahora soy más precavida con mi carro, aprendí lo básico y reviso frecuentemente el aceite y el agua de mi carro, hasta puedo tener una conversación con mi mecánico y entender lo que dice.


This is my entry for OCD Community Boost Contest #9: Highlighting Hive Motors don't forget to participate!


ya it is really important to have basic knowledge on vehicles and its working. We can't predict what ever situation we may get trapped. 👍

Yes! I learned it the hard way. Thank you for your comment!

Cars argh! Sometimes I wish I didn't learn as my friends always ask. Great stuff taking the initiative and learning the basics on your own. Well done

I don't like talking about cars, so I would be a great friend, never asking about cars hahahaha. Thank you! It's important to learn the basics because you never know when you might need it.

Hahaha! Sounds great !WINE

Asi es, todos deben saber por lo menos lo basico en sus carro, ya que uno no sabe que se e puede presentar, saludos!

That's right, everyone should know at least the basics in their car, since one does not know what can be presented, greetings!

Claro que sí, yo lo aprendí a las malas luego de que se dañé el carro.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Hi, that's right, knowing the basics of car maintenance is important, especially when you own a vehicle. One thing I always advise my clients and friends is to always check the engine and everything about the car every day.

I check the engine when I'm left alone with the car since my husband is usually the one who does it, I don't want the car to malfunction when he is not at home, so I had to learn the basics.