Motorcycle Heaven .:. Firauto + Expocar & Sobre 2 Ruedas May 2024 - Part 2

in Hive Motorslast month

I told you that I would be back with the second part of the visit to the Car and MOTO shows that I visited last week! It was too much "material" to present in just one post, so I have decided to split it into 2 parts... The first part that you can find here was all about cars, and this part will be all about motorcycles, or as the name of the show says Sobre 2 Ruedas, which means All about 2 wheels!


In the first part, I was searching for a potential car that I could buy in the future, but during my visit, this part was more about pleasure and sharing photos with my good friend who likes motos! I knew that he would appreciate it, so I did my best by randomly shooting photos all around... 😃


I'm not a big fan of motorcycles and this kiddo in the photo probably knows more than me about them... lol... On the other side, I had a part of my life when I was actively following the MotoGP Championship from the days of Valentino Rossi and Max Biaggi fights, until the day when Vale left the Championship... :)




What I do like are motos like this one, built in a retro way...







One of my friends has a similar model to this one, but it is a Yamaha and I had a chance to be driven on the backseat... As I don't ride a motorcycle at all, it was an interesting experience for sure! 😃









At this event, there were a couple of shops that were selling motorcycle equipment too, like helmets, jackets, trousers, gloves, and everything else that riders use!



Also, I didn't expect to see the small collectible car sales at all, but it looks like it was a great move to do one! If you can't afford to buy a real car, you can still buy a small car and have a memory of this event... Or make your kid happy! 😃



For the end, I want to share with you a couple of photos from my today's walk in Santa Pola, where I went today to visit... I didn't expect to see something like what you can see in the next couple of photos, but it happened! I suppose that these bikers had some reunion and they decided to park altogether at this small parking...




You could say that on this parking lot were more great motorcycles than on that Car and Moto show from the past week!





I know that some of you are big motorcycle fans and I hope that you found some of your favorite bikes in these photos!

Thank you for your time.


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I'm not a motorcycle fan, but surely, riding on one is probably serious fun, just like you enjoyed as well. Great pictures, seems like places where you can actually take a lot of pictures and so many retro bikes. They're probably going to be expensive, since they're super bikes

Where is Santa Pola?

Santa Pola is a small town in Alicante Province, Spain... It is relatively near to my place and we have chosen to go there to take a walk... ;)

Wow a great showing of bikes. I am not fond of motorcycles either. It goes back to my older brother getting in a horrific accident. He's ok today and still rides, smh.

Even though I'm not fond of the them I do like the looks of the black chrome. I also like the looks of the iconic Harley Davidson and Indians with that wide body look with the bags. If and I say it meaning most likely not I would be a rider on one of the bigger and wider bikes. Not about leaning down behind a windshield (though I don't know the feeling) and flying at high speeds in and out of traffic 😂

It goes back to my older brother getting in a horrific accident. He's ok today and still rides, smh.

Unfortunately, I had a similar memory, but not with that close family member... My cousin got married to a lady whose son died in a motorcycle accident on his 18th birthday... 😞

And regarding cars vs bikes, if we exclude these accidents "possibilities", I like to have a roof over my head... not a fan walking in the rain, or a cold weather, so I can't imagine riding a bike in such weather :)

Yes true can't just have a motorcycle need another vehicle for those weather happening. Hey don't forget about bugs, a no visor cover and a yawn might lead to an unwanted treat, haha..

hahahaha... that reminded me of a joke...

Q: How do you recognize a happy biker?
A: By the bugs in his teeth 🤣

Haha good one. !LOLZ

Oh my goodness PH I'm a really big fan of motorbikes, well mostly the sport bikes... These are so beautiful.. wow I'm grateful you shared this event with all of us

There you go! I knew that some Hivians would be crazy about motorbikes... 😃 My sharing found its purpose! 🙂

Thanks for checking out the post!

Absolutely, I loved it P... Here's some more !LUV and !PIZZA and !WEED for that 💯💯💯

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I was not a fan of motorcycles, I always saw them as very dangerous, I appreciated them from afar🤣🤣 But now I am planning to buy one, let's say that I decided to try that adrenaline that they told me so much about.

Wow... It's not an easy thing to switch sides!
I hope you will find a good bike!

I don't know much about motorbikes, but this is really cool! ahh I love the mini cars they offer will definitely be a beautiful collection at home or a gift for a nephew would be even better😂

Hehehee... I like those small gift-cars too... It's a perfect present for every child! 😃

I know that many would go crazy with these motorcycles, but none of them make me dream, I don't like them even a little bit! Nevertheless good photos for the lovers of these machines.

Even if we can't imagine ourselves riding these bikes, it is still nice to see them in the photos... 😃

I have never been on a motorcycle but it's nice to see all of them. Maybe I will be able to try on in the future.

I have a friend who liked cars a lot when he was younger... and now, when he is in his forties, he took the exam and bought a motorcycle! So, you never know... :)

That's a great motorcycle expo. Some 10 years ago I also had a Yamaha sports bike and the experience of riding it was really AMAZING. I have never had any bad accident while riding it but then after marriage, when I realized my responsibilities and the value of my life and my family I said bro cars are safer than bikes. Be a man! 😅

Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

I have never had any bad accident while riding it but then after marriage, when I realized my responsibilities and the value of my life and my family I said bro cars are safer than bikes. Be a man! 😅

That's a very good message!! Even if didn't suffer any accident, we can never know what can be... I mean, motorcycles aren't the worst thing ever, but they are more dangerous than cars, that's for sure...
Family first!

I rode a two wheeler as a kid.
It was going a little slower than a bicycle 😂

It was worth it because riding it increased my strength so that I could carry a regular bike with one hand (even as a kid).
It was an old Tomos motorbike.
And the last time I sat on the motocycle, MZ ETZ 250... My brother was driving me, he gave a strong gas, we started suddenly and I hit the basket behind with my back. I immediately got off the bike and never got on one again.
Since then, on two wheels I've only ridden bicycles... Or four-wheelers.
For that reason, I found the previous post much more interesting, although the pictures of these engines are beautiful, even though I'm not a fan of them.

Huh, it looks like those motorcycle accidents stick to our memory very well... I do understand the pros, wind in the hair (not when you are older and do not have too much... like myself... hahahah), the "connection" with the road, etc., but still, I do appreciate more 4-wheels...

Since then, on two wheels I've only ridden bicycles...

Just saw your post with those great photos! 🙂

For that reason, I found the previous post much more interesting, although the pictures of these engines are beautiful, even though I'm not a fan of them.

There is something "mysterious" about bikes... Even if we maybe don't want to ride them, we can still enjoy in the views... 😃

but still, I do appreciate more 4-wheels...

I open two windows and there is the wind in my hair 😀

It was truly extraordinary that the event presented classy motorbikes. I was really amazed by that incident. But what interests me is buying some cars. yes, a toy car for my little brother 😃😃😃

Toy cars are great... I bought dozens for my son when he was little... :)

That is a very happy thing ❤

Cam you put the name of the bikes next time please 😀?

As I said in the post, I'm not really an expert in motorcycles and that's why I didn't put model names in the post... But, I could pay more attention at the next event and do that!
Thanks for checking out the post!

Nice collection of wheels! I would like to own a motorcycle that I can use across the countryside, visit beautiful destinations. I'm not much of a fan riding motorcycle across the city, seems too intense for me lol.

That's a great idea! My uncle had a motorcycle that he used very often to go fishing...

Nice bikes!
!discovery 30

And thanks for your curation!

Were those people on the motorcycle allowed to test run it or they just sat on it to know how comfy it is?
Well, I hope to go for a car show someday though

I hope you will go for a one...

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There is a lot of passion for riding motorcycles from childhood and the design of such motorcycles is very special and beautiful. Today, the way we see electric technology, it is very much. It's a good thing, so I want to buy a heavy bike in my life.

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