
I hope if you get the tattoo you'll show it to us.

Now we are also looking forward to seeing that tattoo of miss nanixxx. I will rename the community into "The waiting corner for painted rock and tattoo collections 😆

😁 a ver...

This tattoo idea is something I have not yet brought to life. Perhaps I will in the future, but it must be a significant moment, truly special.

Haha... good name! Good, that's only for tattooed ladies... I missed this tattoo trend... not that I'm a lady, but I'm afraid of needles and germs.

Hey, I don't have any tattoos either. But we never know haha.

I have a recent scar from last year that I don't like a lot, so I even thought about getting a tattoo over it (it can be done, but it is more difficult to cover it)

You're right, you never know...
I'm getting old now and they say old people get children's minds. Maybe I go through the minds of teenagers and get tattooed. I think I'd know what to choose and how discreet to be... like that, like a painting on a rock!
I've heard that some scars can be covered with tattoos. I think it needs careful consideration so as not to do more harm than good. Surely you know better.