What Awaits You in the Pixel Tycoons Telegram Game World

in 1UPlast year

What Awaits You in the Pixel Tycoons Telegram Game World

Pixel Tycoons is a Pixel Art collection on the WAX blockchain. The game runs on Telegram and is constantly evolving, thanks to its dedicated developer who works tirelessly to improve it every day. Since its launch in 2021, Pixel Tycoons has grown into a thriving community, and the experience is always unique.

In Pixel Tycoons, you have the freedom to choose your path in the game world. Whether you want to be a farmer, a collector, or a magician, the choice is yours. And if you're like me and can't decide, no worries - you can also be all three!


From Modest to License

The game economy is based on Modest Farmers who grow crops. To farm, players need at least a Modest Farmer, a 1x1 Land Parcel, a Seed Pack, and Water. The crops can be used as food by other characters or as ingredients for future blends. Every week, farming rewards are delivered to the community, and players can use their crops to engage in quests, feed their collector, wait for future dish blends, or upgrade their Modest Farmer to earn their Farmer's License and sell on the upcoming Inner Market.


Unleash Your Inner Looter with Pixel Tycoons' Curious Collector NFT

Curious Collector is a character that explores and collects resources in a fictional world. Holding the collector NFT allows players to join a secret chat and explore uncharted territories, where they may find treasure or danger. If you're a looter at heart, you're going to love this! To join the chat, simply jump into the Collector_Adventure_Bot on Telegram. The CollectorsGuild on Telegram is an awesome place to learn and get support! And don't forget about the game's market, where you can use Copper Coins to buy items. The market is stocked by Licensed Farmers who provide crops and permaculture NFTs that can be purchased using Copper Coins. This eliminates the need for other tokens and allows players to engage with the game's economy and acquire assets.


Unlock the Magical World of Pixel Tycoons with Member Card NFTs

By owning the Member Card NFT, players gain access to a secret Telegram chat. Owners can train and farm with their Slimes in bot DM u/Magic_Host_PT_Bot. These creatures are at the heart of the Magic economy in Pixel Tycoons, and holding NFTs from this pack offers rewards for active community engagement. The Magic Guild plans to introduce new features such as utility commands, exclusive blends, potion recipes, new slimo types, weekly battles, tournaments, in-game slime blends, and new character and game mechanics in the future. These exciting updates will add depth to the game and provide players with more ways to engage with the Magic Guild.

Get Ready to Grow: Latest Updates for Pixel Tycoons Farmers

As I said, the game keeps evolving every single day, and here is the latest update for hardworking farmers! They can now use Compost 1 NFT to boost crop yields and deposit Compost 1 NFTs. There's a new land command to check all your land data, and new quests to earn Copper Coins. You can expand your farm using the synclicense and permit commands to get a Land Expansion Permit NFT.

Exciting news for you, if you're already curious about the game! The Land Parcel 2 Blend is back and updated, and you can even win a Land Parcel 2 by sharing your thoughts on Twitter and tagging Pixel Tycoons. Don't miss out on this opportunity to start your adventure. Join today and see what adventures await in the world of Pixel Tycoons.



Are you playing this game? How much does it cost?

There are many factors to consider so I can't give you an exaxt answer, for example which part of the game you want to be involved in. If you're interested in playing the collector adventure, all you need is a collector.

In my opinion, farming is a good starting point as it can also open doors to other games. Starting with one farmer would cost around 35 wax only. By doing so, once you harvest your crops, you can also play the collector adventure.

If you're interested in playing the magic adventure, you'll need a magic guild pack. The cheapest way to start the magic adventure is around 25 wax.

the choice of which adventure to start with depends on your strategy. However, none of them are expensive, imo.