End of Bxie Infinity Presale - Staking Introduced

in 1UP2 years ago

the day i was anticipated for so much has finally come
presale is ending in 17 hours in Bxie Infinity and we will be able to claim our FREE Bxie creature in our accounts
we have a last chance ( actually i cannot tell if this is a bargain deal or not ) to buy some BXS for a discounted price
minimum purchase 0.1 BNB for 5000 BXS

i've told you that i was trying to make up my mind if i was going to invest in the game or not
after some thought and some research i decided that i should go for it even if it turns out to be a wrong move
i believe it worths the risk
so i'm going to buy 0.2 BNB getting 10.000 BXS in my ingame account


but now you may ask yourself, what to do with this BXS
well staking mechanism was introduced in the 21st of December in the game

according to this all of the BXS Holders can stake and lock their tokens in pools for 7 days, 14 days etc etc and receive an interest for their staked funds
so this means returns on your investments immediately without waiting for the game to launch
of course while the tokens are staked you cannot withdraw them till the locking period is over but you can always withdraw your interest and use it accordingly

you can visit their official post here in order to read some more details about staking https://bxie.substack.com/p/bxie-infinity-to-introduce-staking?r=zc493&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web


in case you have not got on board this is your last chance to get your FREE Bxie
you can always hit my link https://www.bxieinfinity.com/presale?r=2ikhei

a new Era is about to begin and i'm very excited i am an early adopter
before you do anything make your own research and decide where to put your funds
the risk of losing your money is always there!!!
as they say and let me close with this


I got 10,000 BXS too. Still debating on buying land... I guess the clock is ticking.

buying land is for sure a great dilemma