Get yer Splinterlands EOS Rental Cancellations in early this season...

in 1UP2 years ago

There's a glitch in the rentals market ATM so that any card you've got out for rent and which you cancelled goes into coooldown mode for a further 24 hours from last played, as if it were one of yer own cards.

So this means if you want to cancel to cash in on the last minute desperation for CP then you will need to do so early this EOS, at around the 2 days and 2 hour mark rather than the usual 32 hour mark.

  • You want to rent everything before 6 hours to go, that's around when the sales kick in (EVERYONE making sure everything is rented)
  • Allow for 24 hours for all yer rental cancellations to go through
  • Another 24 hours for cooldown of cards played towards the end of that period.
  • Total = 54 hours or 2 days 6 hours.

I've brough it forwards a bit as only a few cards are going to take the max amount of time, so 2 days 2 hours should do it, AND there's bound to be some confusion over this so less cards on the market later on as some people wouldn't have realised this!


Pain in the arse, but hopefully fixed by next week.

Thanks for the heads-up! I wasn't sure if the bug was still there, but that's about the time when I cancelled delegations anyway, to have time to spare for potential upgrades or other reorganizations.