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RE: Splinterland Market Magic + NFT Giveaways

in 1UP β€’ last year

Count me in, @rimurutempest and 3utt.wam at wax 🀞 (#stashpass)
Good luck to everyone! πŸ€

Guys I'm also doing giveaways, and you're all welcome to participate!πŸ˜€
πŸ‘‰HERE - TWO Cards at my post about SPS Rewards at Brawls
πŸ‘‰HERE - TWO Cards at my post Temporal Master

Also if you wanna know other giveaways, I've made a post with Today's Splinterlands Giveaway HERE

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To your WAX wallet I sent the NFT shown below

As for #stashpass you where sent the following to your Weedcash(HIVE) wallet

You can view, sell, or buy Weedcash NFTs like #stashpass here