in 1UPlast month

Hi everyone, Welcome to my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS post. BATTLE MAGE SECRETS itself is a replacement for SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE, where if SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE takes 1 monster as its weekly theme while BATTLE MAGE SECRETS takes 1 Ruleset as its theme. And the theme for this week is...



"All units gain the Knock Out ability."

HEAVY HITTERS is one of the Rulesets that will give additional abilities to all monsters in the battle arena. The ability that will be given to all monsters in the HEAVY HITTERS Ruleset is the KNOCKOUT ability. KNOCKOUT is one of the abilities that requires another ability to activate its effect. The ability in question is STUN .

STUN is an ability that will have an effect that makes the affected target unable to attack for one round. However, the success rate in giving the effect of this STUN ability is only about 50%, so not always attacks that successfully hit the target will also have a STUN effect on it. If the target has been hit by the effect of the STUN ability, then monsters that have the KNOCKOUT ability will deal twice the usual damage to monsters that are still in the STUN effect.

To maximize attacks in the HEAVY HITTERS Ruleset, of course, we must bring monsters that have the STUN ability. But because every attack that successfully hits the target does not always have a STUN effect, it is better to bring more than 1 monster that has the STUN ability.

Meanwhile, to avoid taking huge damage from attacks from monsters that have the STUN and KNOCKOUT abilities, it is better to use monsters that have the IMMUNITY ability. IMMUNITY is an ability that can prevent monsters from all kinds of debuffs given by opposing monsters, especially the effects of the STUN ability (but debuffs from Summoner can still hit it). So we don't have to worry about our monsters getting double damage from attacks from monsters that have the KNOCKOUT ability.




In addition to HEAVY HITTERS, the Rulesets in this battle are...


CORROSIVE FOG is a new Ruleset that was introduced some time ago. CORROSIVE FOG has an effect that is almost similar to the CORROSIVE WARD ability, which both damage ARMOR. What distinguishes the two of them is that the CORROSIVE WARD ability will only be active if Melee monsters who have ARMOR successfully attack the owner of this ability and ARMOR that is damaged or permanently lost (cannot be repaired) as much as 2 ARMOR. As for the CORROSIVE FOG ruleset, the effect will be active every round and will damage 1 ARMOR belonging to all monsters with various types of attacks that have ARMOR.


My Line-Up

- Give reduction of 1 SPEED to All Enemies
- Give reduction of 1 ATTACK POWER to All Enemies Ranged Monsters
I used Quix the Devious because I wanted to use some of the monsters in DRAGON SPLINTER. Also, the reason for using Quix the Devious is to reduce the speed of all the opponent's monsters.
SNEAK + MARTYRI chose Vruz because he has the MARTYR ability that can give additional stats points to nearby monsters when Vruz is defeated.
FLYING + VOID + PHASEI placed Void Dragon near Vruz so that he could get additional STATS points when Vruz was defeated. I chose Void Dragon because it has the highest SPEED compared to the other monsters I brought to the battle arena this time. And if it gets a boost from Vruz, its SPEED will be even higher and increase the chance that Void Dragon can dodge the opponent's monster attacks.
FLYING + SCATTER SHOT + BLAST + BLINDChaos Dragon can be regarded as a monster with quite troublesome attacks. Because it has the SCATTER SHOT and BLAST abilities that make its attacks each round unpredictable.

In addition, Chaos Dragon also has the BLIND ability that can reduce the accuracy of the opponent's attacks, so monsters that have a far superiority in terms of speed will benefit because they are likely to avoid the attacks of monsters that have SPEED far below them.
RESURRECT + INSPIRE + DISPELI chose to use River Hellondale because I wanted to utilize his RESURRECT ability to revive Vruz. So that if Vruz is defeated again, Void Dragon will get another STATS point and give him an additional 2 points of SPEED.
STUNSince I wanted to utilize the HEAVY HITTERS Ruleset, I chose to bring Igor Darkspear who has the STUN ability. And even if his attack fails to STUN the target, at least Igor Darkspear can still deal massive damage with his ATTACK POWER.
VOID + SLOW + STRENGTHEN + HEALAside from Quix the Devious, I also again gave the opponent's monsters a speed decrease by using Baakjira.

The reason I put him in the last position is to overcome the opponent's monsters that have SNEAK ability. So that if he gets hit by the opponent's monsters, he can at least heal himself by using the HEAL ability and survive as long as possible.




The opponent used Kelya Frendul as his summoner. In addition, he also brought 2 monsters that have SNEAK ability (fortunately I brought Baakjira to solve the problem)


In the first round, Void Dragon attacked Arkemis the Bear and put him into RAGE mode. Afterward, Arkemis the Bear tried to attack Vruz but his attack was missed. Vruz was only defeated by attacks from Djinn Oshannus and Flying Squid* (but he was revived and Void Dragon got extra stats points).

2 opposing SNEAK monsters (Pelacor Bandit and Uraeus*) attacked Baakjira. Chaos Dragon attacks Pelacor Bandit this time and its additional attack (BLAST) hits Deeplurker and Uraeus. Deeplurker tried to attack Vruz but his attack missed.

Igor Darkspear attacked Arkemis the Bear and managed to give him a STUN effect. River Hellondale took advantage of this by giving him double damage.


In the second round, Void Dragon dealt 2 times the damage and defeated Arkemis the Bear who was still in STUN effect. As a result, all opposing monsters lost 2 additional ARMOR granted by Arkemis the Bear. Djinn Oshannus defeated Vruz again (and Void Dragon received additional stats points again). Chaos Dragon attacked Djinn Oshannus this time and the additional impact hit Flying Squid and Deeplurker.

Flying Squid failed to land its attack on Void Dragon, while Deeplurker managed to defeat River Hellondale. Pelacor Bandit and Uraeus attacked Baakjira again and now also gave her a poison effect.


In the third round, Flying Squid and Djinn Oshannus failed to land their attacks on Void Dragon. Afterward, Void Dragon and Igor Darkspear* defeated Flying Squid.

Pelacor Bandit attacked Baakjira, but in the end he and Uraeus were defeated by Chaos Dragon. Deeplurker managed to attack and inflict poison effects on Igor Darkspear.


In the fourth round, Igor Darkspear lost due to the poison effect given by Deeplurker in the previous round. Deeplurker also lost due to the effects of the attack when Chaos Dragon attacked Djinn Oshannus.


To see the entire battle, you can watch it at >> FULL BATTLE LINK
And this is the challenge link >> CHALLENGE LINK


Review of this battle

I won this battle because I managed to land a STUN effect on one of the opponent's monsters so that the battle ended faster. In addition, Chaos Dragon was also instrumental in defeating 2 of the opponent's SNEAK monsters at once so that Baakjira did not suffer too long due to the attacks from the opponent's SNEAK monsters and the poison effect that hit him.


That was the post BATTLE MAGE SECRETS for this time. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read. See you in the next post....

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