Pixel art

in Pixelart4 years ago

Some of my collections during my childhood days are these cards. We call these "text" or post cards. It's not only a collection but you can also play it by tossing them. The concept of the game is like tossing a coin. Heads or tails. There will be three players. One will be assigned to toss the cards. In order to win, two cards must be opposite to your card. For example, after tossing if your card is tails then the two other cards should be heads. Or vice versa. See the image below.

I used the Pixel Art app to make this entry for the Pixel art contest.

It's almost one hour after completing it.

Step by step process

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Thank you for trying, but the point is to draw the pixelart yourself ^^ Hope you try again for next contest.

Noted @kristyglas I believe Statue will be the next theme right?

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