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RE: The Essence of Hope

Very good points about hope @treasuree Theoretically I completely support your point of view but practically it is so difficult to hold onto it. Especially when near and dear ones consider it as a reflection of one's naivety holding onto hope. While hope should have been like a raging pillar of fire giving light to all, in this world it often is a flickering flame of a lamp, being tossed hither thither by the wind, always on the verge of going out. However it is interesting that i can never die, as mankind we always something to smile for , to hope for.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife


Alright i get where you are coming from, but for someone like me, it matters a lot and that's why we here hold on to hope. Thanks for reading here .

I completely agree that we should hold onto hope.

In my comment there was a typo in the sentence "However it is interesting that i can never die, as mankind we always something to smile for , to hope for."

It should have been "...that it can never die..."

I really look up to the resilience of hope in the human spirit.