My Phobias: Feeling of Fear and Anxiety

Feeling of fear and anxiety is normal, everyone in the world has in time passed through it. That feeling of fear that often overpowers one is his phobia. But it is very interesting to know that not everyone in the world has a phobia. Phobia is a form of anxiety and it's often irrational. Phobia is caused by several factors combined. One's background(biological), environment and mentality(psychological) contribute to different phobias he may suffer from. Speaking for myself, I have a lot of phobias which I have been working hard to overcome. I had some phobias which I suffered from only in my young age.


ACHLUOPHOBIA: This is the fear of darkness. When one is afraid of a dark environment not for any good reason, he is suffering from achluophobia. When I was young, I was exposed to watching horror movies which often stuck to my memory. I developed this fear of being haunted by a spirit, especially in a dark environment. I was able to overcome this phobia as I was growing up because I have come to realize that those things I see in movies are just acting. My parents also helped me overcome the phobia by always telling me to forget what I see in movies because the actors are only making their money while I am killing my emotions.

AUTOPHOBIA and CATOPTROPHOBIA: Autophobia is the fear of being alone while Catoptrophobia is the fear of mirrors. These two phobias were also a result of watching horror movies. My sister loves horror movies because of the suspense often created in the different scenes. When our TV wasn't working, I had no choice but to watch the movies with her since I didn't have a phone yet. I have seen incidents in movies where someone looks at herself in the mirror and sees a monster behind her. The scenes of appearing monsters and bloody deaths made me fear being alone and looking at the mirror at a young age. But I am happy now because they are all bygones.


OPHIDIOPHOBIA: This is the fear of snakes. Ever since I was a child till date, I have feared snakes. In my culture, there is a snake called "Aka" which is believed to be harmless and people allow them into their houses without fear. My mom and I share this phobia. We both fear snakes. I fear their dangerous venom and their creepy nature. Snakes are very smart animals and very quick to attack at the right time.


ASTRAPHOBIA: This is the fear of thunder and lightning. When I visited my village once, I saw a woman whose one of her hands was paralyzed. I asked my parents to find out what happened to her and I was told she was struck by thunder. I was told she was working on her farm with an iron shovel, and a thunder struck her but she was lucky to survive. During my stay, I also saw dead palm trees which I also heard were struck by thunder. Ever since then, whenever it's raining and I see lightning I often cover my face and hide. Even today, I still fear thunder and lightning. Since light is faster than sound, lightning is seen first before thunder sounds. So whenever I see that flashlight of lightning, I take cover immediately.

ACROPHOBIA: This is the fear of heights. I decided to make this the last phobia in my writing because it's my worst fear. The fear of heights started in my childhood. I often see pilots, palm wine tappers, carpenters, civil engineers and other individuals who do one thing or the other on elevated places as gods. News of collapsed buildings and bridges, and plane crashes have made me afraid of heights. I often have this fear of, "Who can tell, will this house collapse now I'm getting in, will this plane crash and add to the history of deadly plane crashes?"


I have these fears and they are eating me up. My parents have taken me to several counselors and psychologists and I am overcoming them bit by bit. But that fear still dwells inside, I don't think these counselors and psychologists can ever clear the fear, they are helping me manage it as I can now use the elevator to the last floors of storey buildings without fear of the height from the ground level.
I don't only depend on these counselors and psychologists, I also try my best to help myself. I have tried to modify my way of seeing things. I have tried not to allow past events to affect my present and this is just my logic to conquer some of these phobias.
I guess some of my readers may have one or more phobias, either one of these I mentioned or others and may look forward to overcoming it, just apply logic and face your fear.
Thanks for reading and I hope I have an impact on every reader.
Comments and suggestions are highly welcomed.
This is my participation for the #mayinleo day #24 which the link will be threaded to @leogrowth.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hello dear @captainman

For sure, not a few readers will be able to identify with what you write. They are known fears and perhaps identifying them will help us to cope better.

By the way, have you been able to visit our last post about the community healing account and how to support it? We invite you to visit it and consider if you want to support it in either of the two ways described. 😉

Also, there is currently a poll on the favorite author of the week. You might want to check it out and participate.🙌

Thank you for your love and support 🌞

Thanks for updating me.
I have done those I could in my power and level right now.
About the voting, I have difficulty getting to the polls.