The Perks of Having a Reliable Partner

Love is amazing, even though it moves in a very mysterious way. We fell in love deeply to someone, and we then realize how they become our world and our everything. I have been in several failed relationships, and that made me crave for something more serious. I wanted to have a partner who I can call my best friend, my lover, my protector, and my safe space all at once.

God heard my prayer and gave me someone I can be with - and someone who is a reliable partner to me. To give you a quick recap about us, we already met years ago but we were too young to commit. And we found our way back just last year - that's when we grabbed the chance to be together and tried if we'll work out. Now that we have been together for almost a year, I am feeling blessed that we tried. He's my best partner, and a very reliable one.


I got a friend I can talk to.

He always listen. Some people say that it is always the small things that matter. His effort on listening to my rants, whether about work, family, or friends, is appreciated. I love how he actively listens and he remembers them all every time I try to remind them. It only means that he is really listening to me by heart.


I receive the biggest support.

He is my number one supporter. He always make sure that he supports me every step of the way, and in whatever I want to do. He will just simply say "do it" whenever I tell him that I want to try something, or do something as long as it's for the best.

I can cry whenever I want to.

Aside from listening to me, he is also a shoulder that I can cry on. He does not complain when I randomly cry over something that bothered or hurt me. But instead, he would calmly tap my shoulder, and let me bring it all out. He will just sit by my side and make me feel that I am not alone in whatever battle I am fighting.


I get to be his Disney Princess.

One of his love languages is acts of service. He does things for me and make sure everything is convenient to me. He can cook, wash dishes, and he even helps me with the laundry. And he can do all these things for me without me asking or begging for it.



I have someone beside me during dark moments.

He is always there. His presence is felt during the good days, and more during the dark moments of my life. He will never let me feel all alone in the middle of a chaotic mess.

I get to have my safe space.

I can be whoever I want to be when I am with him. He is my comfort zone, and when I am drained and frustrated, I'll just look at him and I will feel the ease and peace. He is my safe space, and he makes sure that he is not another battle that I need to win over, but he is my partner in everything.


Hive Blog No. 112
Date Published: May 24, 2024

"Again, this is @charmingcherry, and I cannot express how thankful I am to those who have taken the time to read my blog today. Your support means everything to me. Please acknowledge the sincere thanks I feel for each and every one of you. I hope to see you on my next blog and look forward to it. Sending peace and love! :)"

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Awww, I'm so happy you found this someone who you can not just a boyfriend, but also a best friend, a protector and someone who you can lean on. So when's the kasal, invited ba kami 🥴😍😍 yieheeee

Baka malapit na akong ikasal, ate! Hahaha. 😂

So romantic.. =) Finding true love.. is amazing.. my wife and I have been married for close to ten years.. =) hehee..

That's really sweet 🥰
When God meant for you both to be together, even it takes a few years it will round back together again ❤️

Congrats on that! Stay close to God together, and HE will keep you closer than ever.

God bless you, you are very fortunate