Loneliness || Me Against The Void World

in Emotions & Feelings2 years ago


It's just a few days to the end of this month and the topic is loneliness. I have been an introvert and someone who like an isolated life, Sometimes I best describe this kind of life as a life of a lonely man and I shall share with you days when I felt lonely, days when it was me against the world, days when my pillow was my only comfort, and I could sit all by myself talking to the me that no one sees. At some point loneliness helps one appreciate some things about life, while other times one is depressed and feels like a castaway.


Faltan pocos días para que finalice este mes y el tema es la soledad. He sido introvertido y alguien a quien le gusta una vida aislada. A veces describo mejor este tipo de vida como la vida de un hombre solitario y compartiré con ustedes los días en que me sentí solo, los días en que era yo contra el mundo, los días cuando mi almohada era mi único consuelo, y podía sentarme solo hablando con el yo que nadie ve. En algún momento la soledad ayuda a apreciar algunas cosas de la vida, mientras que otras veces uno se deprime y se siente como un náufrago.


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I was raised by a mother who was strict, we were not allowed to go out or stay out for too much. Indirectly this lifestyle affected our social life, I had just a few friends who also loved privacy. At that young age it wasn't a problem, staying indoors and lonely had no effect on us, we felt it was normal to desire to be isolated but as we grew older things started to change, the need for companionship, friendship, and love began to creep in. Our pillows no longer comfort us enough, isolation starts to trouble one's emotion and depression sets in.

Fui criado por una madre que era estricta, no se nos permitía salir o quedarnos fuera por mucho tiempo. Indirectamente, este estilo de vida afectó nuestra vida social, solo tenía algunos amigos que también amaban la privacidad. A esa temprana edad no era un problema, quedarnos en casa y solos no tenía ningún efecto en nosotros, sentíamos que era normal desear estar aislados, pero a medida que crecimos las cosas comenzaron a cambiar, la necesidad de compañerismo, amistad y amor. comenzó a deslizarse. Nuestras almohadas ya no nos consuelan lo suficiente, el aislamiento comienza a perturbar la emoción y la depresión se instala.


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Day and night become longer, we start to need friends, we feel the void in our heart that only friendship can fill, every night we wish we can have someone whom we can rely on or talk to, someone who we can share our secrets with. The void grows bigger with time until tears become the only way to express our feelings. We become broken and emotionally depressed. The same room which had once been my comfort at this age was like a prison to me and I only wish I had made friends earlier in life.

El día y la noche se vuelven más largos, comenzamos a necesitar amigos, sentimos el vacío en nuestro corazón que solo la amistad puede llenar, cada noche deseamos poder tener a alguien en quien podamos confiar o hablar, alguien con quien podamos compartir nuestros secretos. . El vacío se agranda con el tiempo hasta que las lágrimas se convierten en la única forma de expresar nuestros sentimientos. Nos volvemos rotos y emocionalmente deprimidos. La misma habitación que una vez había sido mi consuelo a esta edad era como una prisión para mí y solo desearía haber hecho amigos antes en la vida.


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Switching to being an extrovert was a hard task for me. I didn't know how to start and leaving that room was first the challenge to overcome. I remember a time when I was bored about my unproductive cage in my own world. I was tired of the comedy skit, tired of chatting with invisible people from the online space, tired of the draining emotionally and physically and I wanted something real, something loneliness had stolen from me. I once listened to an old song where a father was advising his son to make friends early in life so that he may not be lonely when he gets to 18.


Cambiar a ser extrovertido fue una tarea difícil para mí. No sabía cómo empezar y salir de esa habitación fue primero el desafío a superar. Recuerdo un momento en que estaba aburrido de mi jaula improductiva en mi propio mundo. Estaba cansada de la parodia de la comedia, cansada de chatear con personas invisibles del espacio en línea, cansada del drenaje emocional y físico y quería algo real, algo que la soledad me había robado. Una vez escuché una vieja canción en la que un padre le aconsejaba a su hijo que hiciera amigos a temprana edad para que no se sintiera solo cuando cumpliera los 18 años.


Nicely written post dear friend.
we have all been down that road.
But at the end of the day, it all depends on how you channel that solitude state into something good.

Our upbringing from childhood is very similar I can attest to that It later becomes hard to blend in on the later run.

I am glad you shared this.

You've rightly said, it's the end that matters at the long run, what we chose to make of the future. Thanks for your feedback

Dear @dwixer . Welcome to the community.💐

You have described a common situation, and transition often leaves its traces. The fact that you are so graphic in your description attests to that. We can conclude that you have seen both versions of loneliness. And that is why you speak out of candor.💡

But we were left with a question: how do you see loneliness now that you have left that childhood behind? how do you feel about it?🙂

It was already affecting my mental health, I needed to find a way out of it and I did.

Glad you are feeling better. All this does is make us grow and be better.

Best regards @dwixer