The Dove

While on a zoom meeting a day or two ago, my little dog Sasha must have been bored or impatient for her dinner while I was still busy. Suddenly she came in from outside and settled on her bed under my table, proudly holding a dead dove in her mouth. The dove was clearly not newly killed so I did not worry that Sasha was becoming too predatory, but dogs will be dogs.

Without disturbing my zoom group I reached quietly down and took the bird away from Sasha, enfolding it in her red blanket and placed it on my table. I don't want my dogs considering birds as prey or any kind of reward. We have large families of doves in our trees and I want them to stay safe.

After the meeting I took the bird outside planning to bury him with respect. But I realised immediately this small garden of mine had no space to bury even this little carcass, where Sasha would not dig it up again. So I placed the bird in a shoebox lined with batting and for now put it into the refuse bin which my dogs cannot reach nor would they try. It was all I could think of.

Until the middle of the night when I awoke suddenly flooded with the saddest feelings. This is not usual for me. So I asked why? And waited. Then the answer arose clearly; I knew it was the sorrow of the bird, discarded into the bin as if it had no value, as if was not also a meaningful part of Life. I knew I had to correct this wrong and earnestly resolved to. But I still could not decide what to do when I woke the next morning and I had meetings and errands all that day and could not focus any time on the dove in the box in the bin. I let myself procrastinate, forgetting my promise. Until I was woken again in the middle of last night feeling unsettled "You must bury the dove, somewhere away from the here, but do it." This feeling was not to be put aside.

So this morning, after taking my dogs for a long walk I locked them in the house, took the box with the bird out of the dirt bin and with my small garden trowel in my other hand, I searched for a place the bird would be at peace. Amid a stand of reeds at a canal a short way from my house I found a shaded spot. It was easy to dig a substantial hole in the dry sandy ground which I hoped I had dug deep enough that no other animal would catch the scent of carrion. Then I gently placed the bird in his final resting place and covered him with Mother Earth.

And the strongest feeling rose inside me again, this time of relief. I shed a few unexpected tears, said a little prayer for this dove and greeted him for the last time. Then I went home and threw the box into the bin.


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