in Emotions & Feelings2 months ago

Happy New month to Everyone. Welcome to my blog.


Relationships are connections between individuals which can involve physical interactions, emotional and social interactions. Relationships require great effort and compromise to thrive and the energy must come from both parties involved. There are vital needs that must be met for a healthy and positive relationship:

Communication: Effective communication is the bedrock of any successful relationship. Creating an avenue for both partners to express their deepest thoughts, feelings, fears, dreams and needs helps keep the relationship alive and helps build trust, emotional intimacy and understanding.

Emotional Needs: Meeting emotional needs is crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship. By meeting each other’s emotional needs, we create a sense of security and trust within the relationship. By offering a shoulder to lean on, and providing assurance when faced with difficulties.


Trust and loyalty: Trust is the belief that our partner will act in our best interest and will remain faithful and loyal. It is vital to be reliable, honest, and transparent in our words and actions. There should be no secrets hidden from your both partners, be open enough to gain that trust from your partner.

Encouragement and support: One of the vital needs that is needed to build a healthy relationship is always supporting your partner. Most ladies feel that it's the man's duty alone to support a woman but this is applicable to both partners. We should endeavour to encourage our partners in their goals and aspirations and support them to get better.

Respect: This is one of the vital needs that ensures a healthy and positive relationship by valuing our partner's opinions and boundaries, by treating them with kindness, courtesy, and dignity. It is important to listen to their perspective, even if we disagree, and to avoid belittling or dismissing their thoughts and feelings.

Shared values and goals: When partners have similar values and aspirations, they can work together towards a common vision. It is important to have open and honest discussions about our values, dreams, and goals to ensure alignment. By fostering shared values and goals, we create a sense of unity and teamwork within the relationship, enabling both partners to grow and thrive together.

Independence and personal space: Maintaining a sense of independence and personal space is vital for the health of a relationship. It involves respecting each other's individuality, interests, and personal boundaries. It is important to strike a balance between togetherness and freedom, allowing each partner to pursue their own passions and maintain their sense of self.

Quality time: Spending quality time with your partner is one vital need for a positive relationship. When you love someone you should create quality time to spend with the person to help foster connection and intimacy.


Appreciation and validation: Appreciation and validation are essential in making our partners feel valued and loved. By expressing gratitude and offering genuine compliments, we create a positive and uplifting atmosphere within the relationship. Personally I love being appreciated and I love my man validating me. It makes me feel important and cherished. It's one of my love languages. It is important to show appreciation for both big and small gestures.

Financial needs: Relationships are not for meeting financial needs. However, finance cannot be excluded from our relationships. Hence both partners must work towards each other’s financial empowerment. Ensure money is coming from both ends of the relationship. Never be that person that is waiting for a financial hand-out in the relationship.

This article is in response to May Inleo initiative join via this link

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


very good reflection, thank you for sharing it.

Thank you for stopping by

Well said, you seem to be very knowledgeable in this love thing😅

Hahahaha we learn everyday.