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RE: [ESP/ENG] Amor ¿Un sentimiento o una emoción?🌟/Love: A feeling or an emotion?🌟

There is no doubt that love is the feeling that has generated the most experiences in our lives. There are many stories, tales, poems and songs that have been written in the name of love, and it still seems that we do not fully understand the magnitude of such a feeling. Is it a force as great and special as it is difficult to explain? 🤔🧐

Thank you friend @yaderlin for bringing this topic from a very analytical point of view and "with a lot of fabric to be cut" 🙂

As a suggestion, we invite you to review our "Guide to publishing" so that you can get the most out of your publications" 🙂

Greetings and success to you 👋👋👋


Gracias por dedicarle tiempo a mi escritura, muy bien recibidas sus acotaciones, pues son el puente para subir escalones. Saludos, un abrazo 🌟🤗