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RE: Gratitude: A powerful Way To Increase Blessing

I haven't seen them appreciating themselves, they always complain they should have passed their present stage.

This reality hits me, lol. I think depreciating ourselves is bad, while appreciating ourselves too much would also be bad. That's just my two cents. Nonetheless, as you said, we must continually cultivate the value of gratitude. Like six months ago, I failed my dream course and university. I was ungrateful since I failed to achieve my academic dreams. But now that I'm living the best life of a college student in a private school I haven't heard of since I transferred, I realize I should be grateful for my rejection in my dream profession and state university. Again, that's also my point of view


Failure its not the end. The moment you were able to realise your mistakes and learn from them, then you are on the right track.

Whenever we failed to appreciate ourselves, we shall find it difficult to be happy and remember that you own the key to your happiness.

I'm excited you are now in a private institution and I wish you all the best in your endeavours.

Thank you for stopping by, you are amazing