How being empathetic upon others affects my emotions?

in Emotions & Feelings11 months ago
Hello hive friends

Being empathetic upon others is a very good thing and every emotion have an effect on us and to be empathetic have a positive as well as negative effect upon me and how this feeling or this emotion of taking care of others in different means affects me positively and how taking care of others by being empathetic with them affects me negatively I would like to share deeply about my feelings and emotions.


Empathy image

To be empathetic means that you really like to understand feelings and emotions of others and these feelings can be happy and sad

Positivity that I perceive to be empathetic
  • To be empathetic leads me to make relationships stronger with my relatives and friends in order to connecting with my dear ones.
  • To be empathetic gives me inner peace of my soul because it is a part of good manners to listen to your relatives and friends and to be very compromising.
  • To be empathetic we may feel a sense of contentment and fulfilment as well as happiness and in this way there would also be a development of self awareness and self compassion.


A child showing empathy to other

Negativity that I perceive to be empathetic
  • To be empathetic sometimes can overwhelmed you and can make you exhausted.
  • To be empathetic we see every situation as it is our own so it can be very difficult to handle and to be empathetic especially when situation is negative.
  • When I deal with persons who are continuously stressed then after sometime I also feel burnout.
  • To be empathetic we may also feel guilt because when we deal with different feelings of persons then after consoling of others when we don't receive positive response then we may feel guilt that may be our counseling was unenough..


Some empathetic words

What can be the ways to be empathetic?

There can be different ways to be empathetic with others.

- Listen others actively.

You should listen others very actively and you should be attentive and a good listener and show the person that you are really empathetic for him or her.

- Show compassion towards others

You should show compassion, empathy and kindness towards others and for this there is a need to show your kindness by some words of encouragement to person.

- Avoid judging others

When you want to be empathetic then you should not judge others because someone may feel uncomfortable if you judge them so this is a quality that matters a lot.


Persons holding each other's hand

- Be supportive

To be empathetic you should be very supportive to that person in a way of validating their feelings and showing that you are really supportive for that person.

- Take care your own emotions

You should also take care of yourself and should not take care of others only, you should also be caring about your emotions and feelings so that you may not feel exhausted or burnout.

Good-bye 🤩

Another lessons to learn again. Tjank you so much and also for this content. I will bear it in my mind. 🥰