Feeling of Sadness to the happiness of sunset🥹🤍

Hello everyone good day! its me again Kyla. I hope you're doing good today, thank you so much for supporting my last blog and this is my new blog kindly read everyone its about the feeling I have when I took the midterm examination without enough review.

7:00 a.m

after the exam

Its friday, our class started at 7:00 a.m. I took the midterm examination for the first and second subjects. I was so sad because I wasn't able to study well in advance for all the lessons we have. It turns to embarrassment because my classmates are able to answer the given questions in the test papers. I took two midterm examinations without enough review. We took the exm in the hallway of the CTU Naga Extension Campus, 2nd floor. Later on, after we finished the exam, all of my classmates talked about their answers if they were correct or wrong.


After the exam I came to realization that I need to study next time because it will help me comprehend the content thoroughly, retain the information over time, and perform better academically, I should study hard for my midterm exams. Effective study techniques are essential for success because midterm examinations frequently cover a large amount of the course material and have an impact on my final marks.



Preparing ahead of time allows knowledge to be assimilated gradually, improving comprehension and memory of the subject matter. You may lessen the stress that comes with last-minute cramming by being organized. When you prepare ahead of time, you may better manage your time by concentrating on your areas of weakness and avoiding procrastination. Exam performance improves with preparation since you have studied the content in-depth and honed the necessary skills. Your confidence before the test is increased when you know you've studied and are ready, and this can help you do better.


As a student, it is valid that we feel sad, embarrassed, losing our confidence, and not able to study hard because we have different responsibilities in life. All the feelings we have are valid. I thought everything would be smooth as it is but it was' nt and it will not.

Academic Pressure

Other people might say "overacting", but its not.
Students may experience feelings of sadness and disappointment . Academic pressure is a common feeling among students, not studying well could result in regretting inefficient use of time or disregarding academics. Students who are ill-prepared for an exam may experience regarding their academic results.



Fast forward I decided to go with my classmates to milktea store to buy drinks and have some relax, we also need to rest, we are able to better understand and analyze our emotions when we take the time to unwind. It facilitates stress reduction, emotion regulation, and experience perspective. It can be crucial to preserve general wellbeing and mental health to engage in relaxation since it offers a mental and emotional reset.



I go home at exactly 4 p.m I decided to walk to unwind, while walking sunset catches my attention, It was so nice to stare.




Taking in the beauty of the sun can help one become more calm and relaxed, which can ease any tension or anxiety that has built up during the day. Observing the sunset offers a chance for self-reflection and introspection, enabling one to ponder over the day's happenings and acquire a new outlook on life. Experiencing a sunset's splendor can make one feel appreciative of the day's events and the wonders of nature.

Thank you hivers for reading up until the end, please support another blog of mine in the future. Your effort of reading it means a lot to me! thank you for undying support till next time bye! bye!


I’m sorry to hear the test didn’t go well. But yeah, you do have to start studying in advance for tests. When I was in university, I made the mistake of only studying when I heard we had exam coming up. Didn’t work well for me.

But at least the milktea hangout with your friends must’ve made you feel a bit better.

I really had a hard time today, I grew up with a plenty of responsibilities not only as a student but as the eldest daughter in the family.

Never give up Ma'am @kyla-bacarro
Just focus and study harder. I understand your feelings


don't worry Ma'am @kyla-bacarro everything will be alright

Yes, it is. College life teach you a life lesson to always be prepared. @kyla-bacarro

Be gentle to yourself. Always look the bright side

I will thank you so much,🥹