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RE: Empatía y el trastorno Deprivación Afectiva de Casandra (CADD) [ES|EN] // Empathy and Casandra's Affective Deprivation Disorder

I am very happy to read your words. This was a great discovery for me and I knew that many people would also benefit from knowing this. This post did not have as many views or much success, but it seems to me that it is valuable information. Did you already know about this CADD disorder?


No, I think neither my wife nor I had even heard of this CADD before. But from what you descibed here, and without even yet reading the source material you have offered here, I am sure that it is going to be very helpful to us both! I'm so happy about this, and I am sure that my wife will be too. Again, thanks so much for sharing this post!

Excellent I am very happy that you can find benefit from this information 😉