Design with canva

As humans, growing up, we have faced different situations and challenges and met different people, both good and bad. Some tried to bring us down, but we didn't, and we kept soaring higher.

That's life, and it all makes us stronger. We got betrayed by people that we thought couldn’t betrayed us. The people we trust with our souls and everything end up failing us and making us mistrust them.

Distrust in people is something that is common among most people in the world because they have been faced with one situation after another that makes them lose trust in one another.

Using myself as an example,it used to take me a long time before I could have my full trust in the world "friendship," and most times deep inside me I would just be like, I don’t think I have friends,but they are just people I walk with." Why did I say this? I did it because I have been betrayed by a friend before, which makes me distrust every friendship that I have because I will always want to stay on my lane and not voice out everything about my life to avoid having the same situation of being betrayed by a friend happen to me again. Even if I talked about my life to you,there are some parts of it that I am going to omit to avoid you using them against me.

As we all know, distrust simply means having a feeling deep inside you that a person or something cannot be relied upon, which means you won’t be able to trust them with all your heart.

"Why will you be friends with a person you can’t rely upon"? A neighbor asked me this question some days ago,and my reply was that I feel like something is off about her behavior,and I heard she always talks behind me whenever I am not around and smiles at me when I am. I just have to play along and pretend I don’t know anything, but I just have to be careful of her because I can’t just walk up to her one day and end the friendship between us all because of her attitude. But as I am trying to give her time to be of good behavior,I have to be careful not to rely on her.

You know, when people you distrust do something bad to you or betray you, it will hurt you less, and you will just wave it off because you already feel something like that will happen one day.

There are a lot of bad feelings that fall under distrust, and some of them are uncertainty, which means not being certain about a person,suspicion,disbelief, and doubt. If you are feeling any of this way toward a person,it means you have distrust in them.

Yes,distrust is not often based on clear or concrete information,but rather on a gut feeling or a hunch. That’s why most times If a person talks badly about a person with whom you are friends or in a relationship with either family or romantic love, it’s good to have a talk with them before concluding in your mind and having distrust in them.

Thank you for reading.