The Patient Dog

Artem Podrez

This early morning, as I woke up to go to work, I witnessed people were already on the road to work. Every Monday is such a busy day for me, and other people as well. The rush to get to work on time is intense.

As early as 4:30 Am, men, women, even children that are going to school are already plying the roads, against all odds to meet with time.

As good as this may sound, a lot of these early risers may not be patient enough to make for a free flow of traffic. The traffic situation in a major city like Lagos is quite worrisome.
Patience is such a good virtue that a few seconds' passage, when applied can help solve a lot of problems.

Patience Builds Our Reputation.

When an individual can handle life situations with as much simplicity as required to solve such a problem, his or her reputation increases in the sight of those who have been engaged or involved in such circumstances.
As simple as allowing the vehicle before you move in the direction that it wants to move is a good way to allow your patience to overrule your ambitiousness.

It Encourages Your Long Term Goals

When setting goals, on a long-term basis, patience helps you to weather the storm irrespective of hurdles that may be encountered while attempting to meet up.
We could decide to shed more light on our plans if that may not be necessary if we already have a goal and work at it through patience.

It Helps To Build Your Skill Set

As you desire to be patient, there is no achievement you cannot attain. As a wife, a husband, a footballer, and so on, making patience a part and parcel of you cause you to learn new skills and to make progress where people who do not have this propensity fail.

Magnet To People

Patience is a virtue that pours off smoke. It scents people. An individual who exhibits patience can easily attract people because their level of maturity is so advanced that they could handle the weirdest problem in the smartest way one could ever think.
To say the least, a patient person is worth more than a person who has the whole world in assets. Little wonder an adage says:

< The patient's dog eats the fattest bone.

I have heard people in recent times that nowadays, a patient dog may not even have a bone to eat.
This goes to tell the world that patience is now extinct in our today's society.
Look around you, you'd see clearly that this generation of youth who claim to be faster than parents, even claim to be smarter than the last generation are all heading for doom because of a lack of patience.
They are now more money-conscious than to be good humans first.
People have forgotten that an act of kindness through patience does a lot of good to humanity.

To be impatient could cause a lot of headaches to men. Here are some of the presumed consequences of being impatient.

It Complicates Matters

Most times, when people fail to apply patience, they may have to pay dearly


Impatience Clouds Vision

At the moment when a decision is to be taken or rushed over, one may not be able to see farther because their thoughts are clouded by the actions they want to take at that moment.
Usually, the phrase beneath is the consequence of taking an action that an individual did not take time to ruminate over.

Had I known.

For instance, like I experienced this morning, when in a traffic jam and you feel like getting off to trek the distance, one should better listen to the radio or play music to get completed again.
Resorting to trekking could become more painful than we can imagine.

Impatience Can Lead Obesity

Studies have shown that impatient people get very obsessed. The hormone that causes largeness in the skin tissue is released. Whether it is true or not, it has been registered that impatience is not a credible attribute.

Emotion Instability

A person who is impatient reacts too quickly, unable to control his or her temperament. This results in emotional obsession which may not augur well with others.


We loved your post. Well organized and logical. You highlight very well the benefits of patience and that encourages us a lot to deploy it, saying: "It's true that". In turn, seeing the effects of impatience terrifies us to feel this often.💡

A hug @mrenglish 🍰

Thanks a lot, @hive-102879.
This post came at a time when the youths in my environ have been clouded by "get-rich-quick" schemes. They can do anything to get money.

I am glad it is qualified for this community.
Thanks again.

Smiles. the same way that they say the patient dog eat the fattest bone. it also means that na hunger go kill the patient dog if he no act smart.

True patient is virtue and it pays to be patient but yet, be on the look out. Nice written content but you should learn to put more efforts in your titles. You should work on how to make it attractive.

Not compulsory but, designing your header photo maybe with canva makes your posts stand out from what that is out there.

Thanks for that suggestion of creating the image at canva. I'd make sure to do that.

Smiles 😁 @starstrings01, @mrenglish was using an adage to communicate with us here. "The patient's dog eats the fattest bone". This statement implied that anyone who wants to be great in life must exercise patience because it is not the day they give birth to a child he will be crawling.

Some young people nowadays are in haste to get rich overnight and they are finding all means to compete with the richest people in the world. Some of them will pass through a shortcut such as extortion, kidnapping for ransom and other means to be in an affluent position.
All these strategies can end their lives in a mere minute without a remedy.

You got the yarn in the post.

Well done my friend @mrenglish! You message is well received. Please continue with a good job!

Thanks, bruv. We keep the flag flying.