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RE: Empatía y el trastorno Deprivación Afectiva de Casandra (CADD) [ES|EN] // Empathy and Casandra's Affective Deprivation Disorder

O M G! This article is simply brilliant and exceptional.
I think you have a calling or gift on these areas of research. I also see you as someone with great Emphaty.
I have learnt alot of new things today
CADD. How this can greatly affect relationships and the best way to survive it.
Bravo my dear friend👏❤️


Hello dear friend @queenstarr . Your comment is of great value to me. Undoubtedly, knowing these things helps us precisely to be more empathetic and understand other people, even to be compassionate. How many relationships would not have been saved from knowing things as you are😔. Tell me about yourself,.how are you? 😃

Sí, querida hermana. Lo estoy haciendo muy bien. No se preocupe, voy a tomar tiempo especial para charlar que todo lo que ha sucedido en la discordia.
Te quiero mucho❤️