Hello beautiful people of Hive , I want to really appreciate everyone who has taken out time from their busy schedule to read my posts, God bless you.
Today, I had to go back memory lane and I reflected on my life growing up and my dreams and aspirations.


Growing up was fun. On Sundays, my parents would take us all to the zoo for sight seeing. My favorite memory of the zoo was going to the lion's cage,watching her feed every Sunday by 12noon and of course to also watch the Rock Python feed on rodents.

Soon after I finished from high school, I wanted to be so many things at different points in life. At first, I wanted to be a Gynecologist. I wanted to make sure I reduced the high mortality rate of women who loose their lives while giving birth.

Need I remind you that I am science inclined and love to experiment alot.

One day my trap caught a rat and in the process,it clamped the rat's stomach.
The rat was heavily pregnant and I was very certain the rat had gotten to full term. Maybe it only came out to feed and my trap caught it.

I immediately loosened the trap, tried to revive the rat but it seemed time was running against me,so I sterilized my blade and operated on the rat and brought out 8 liters of rat from the belly, but unfortunately the rat died in the process. Although,I knew it wasn't going to survive the injury caused by the trap.


Anyways,I know you might be saying I caused the death of a pregnant rat,but the good news is that I nursed the 8 liters to maturity.

Eventually, they became domesticated and solely depended on me for survival. It was at this point that I felt I should become a Gynecologist.

My dad saw it and adviced me to study medicine or become a Gynecologist.

That actually was my first love.
After writing my first professional exam to get into the university,I was offered to study Animal and Environmental science, I rejected it because I wanted to be a medical doctor.


While waiting to write the next exam, I started having this desire to become an Aeronautical Aviator (pilot). But after I wrote the Aviation examination, my parents could not afford the tuition fee and everything involved to grant me admission.

In all, after several years of waiting to get a career that I love to study in the university, I settled to become a Human Physiologist. Ater graduation, I found myself in the oil and gas industry which is not related to my course of study. I also started going for movie auditions, that's where I harnessed my acting career.

Now you see, I decided to swallow everything the world gave to me Hook,Line and Sinker.

But in all,I am so grateful for where my skill has gotten me.

We tend to find ourselves in various fields of endeavor because of economic status and how to put food on our table for our family.

Growing up, you'll find out that you want to be everything that catches your fantasy. We fantasize about basically everything that comes into our little minds.

But at some certain stage in life,we make our choice based on placement of priority.

Thanks for reading!!
I hope you enjoyed reading this content
See you again.


Hello @snowflakesduke

Welcome to the community 🙋

You have done several things in your life. How wonderful! 😃

I think you are so right, we fantasize to be so many things. Or as you say, we want to be what we fantasize. Fulfill our desires. The important thing is also to enjoy what we choose 🤗

You made me remember today what I chose in my life for myself and that I can feel very happy about it 😍

Thank you for reminding me of this so important to me ✨

Thanks alot,I really appreciate, truth be told,we dream to be a guru at something,but in turn,life, economy,etc redirects us to something else,but make sure in your redirection,you make the right available choice,I hope to bring to you another retrospect of my life.
Thanks for the warm welcome.